Trump ear didn't require stitches - just a scratch

He's said it over and over himself. But my opinion on trump is based on members of my own family being adversely affected by him. One of my sisters ( I had 5 ) and 2 of my second cousins. That is the more interesting case. They survived being in a Nazi Concentration camp ( Polish Freedom Fighters ) but they didn't survive what trump did to them They were truck farmers in southern New Jersey. They supplied Trump's casino in Atlantic City with fresh fruit and vegetables. They knew him personally. They trusted him when he said don't worry the checks in the mail. Of course trump took the money and ran leaving them and thousands of others high and dry. So I've known for years he was a criminal .And I'm certain he helped my poor cousins to an early grave. Family farmers don't have insurance against fraud. .By comparison ,my sister got off easy. She was the object of misdirected racism . Another long story but if you really want to hear her story too I'm ll explain that one on another post. I never needed the media to tell me trump was bad news ,I already knew it.
Your opinionated word salad was given from the bases of a democrat lie.
Your opinionated word salad was given from the bases of a democrat lie.
You obviously didn't even read about my family members being personally adversely affected by trump. I could care less what the media says or doesn't say. Half of it ( Fox , for example ) is pure lies. I know who and what trump is.
I've not heard the whole world is against trump. But anyway your opinion is all you've given and your opinion is based on a lie the democrat lying propaganda media told you.
Russia and North Korea like trump. He wants to be just like them. It's a bromance between the three of them , at least from Trump's point of view. It's amazing manipulators even try to manipulate each other.
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Your opinionated word salad was given from the bases of a democrat lie.
You didn't ask about my sister Estelle but I'll tell you about her involvement with the trump gang. When she graduated from nursing school ( Carbondale, Pa. ) , She and a good friend / fellow nurse applied to work at Kettering ( ? Not sure of spelling ) Memorial Cancer Hospital in Manhattan , NYC. They were housed in one of the old hospital buildings that had been renovated into apartments.They shared that apartment with a third nurse from Queens who was black. At any rate they decided the old hospital wasn't up to parr so they each went looking for a new apartment. My sister found a trump building with vacancies. She explained that there would be three of them and they had good incomes and were not involved with any men in a serious manner so they'd be good tennants and be thee for a while. They said fine but they wanted to meet with all three women before signing the contract. Before the meeting everything was all good , after the meeting they said they couldn't / wouldn't rent to them. The only difference was they met the girls and one of them was black. That was back in 1970 or so. We all had a laugh a few years later when trump was convicted of racism in his renting policies. trump couldn't figure out that if you have 10,000 apartments in NYC and you don't rent to a single black person something is very wrong. He personally wasn't convicted. One of his companies took that " honor ".
You first need to discuss and figure out what would help. I know one thing for sure. Biochemists have commented on it already. The hormone levels lof a 20 year old man is much , much greater than that of a 21 year old man.Hoones peak at 16 and stay high until a significant drop at age 21. These excessive hormones lead to extremes in behavior. They suggested that men under the age of 21 not be allowed to own or use weapons of the AK-47 type. That makes sense to me. No young person opinion should have or need one. Really what are they good for ? Do you want to mow down a whole herd of deer , that isn't even legal. But whatever is decided there has to be agreement on it and majority vote on it. The national discussion hasn't even begun yet.
Yet we don't seem to have a problem not only allowing them access, but actively training them in how to use such firearms, and far more deadly, at the age of 18. If it's too dangerous to let them use such weapons until they're 21, we should stop putting 18-year-olds in the military.

And what in the world do you mean we haven't even started the national discussion? We've been discussing it for decades now. You only think we haven't because your ideas have not gotten much traction.
Russia and North Korea like trump. He wants to be just like them. It's a bromance between the three of them , at least from Trump's point of view. It's amazing manipulators even try to manipulate each other.
Those foil helmets don't really give you mindreading powers, just saying.
Yet we don't seem to have a problem not only allowing them access, but actively training them in how to use such firearms, and far more deadly, at the age of 18. If it's too dangerous to let them use such weapons until they're 21, we should stop putting 18-year-olds in the military.

And what in the world do you mean we haven't even started the national discussion? We've been discussing it for decades now. You only think we haven't because your ideas have not gotten much traction.
You cannot compare military use with civilian use. They should never be the same. Bad comparison.
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The point, however, remains that if 20 is too young to handle firearms, we shouldn't be giving them to 18-year-olds in the military.
You might have a valid point there. Perhaps the age to serve should be lifted. At least boys wouldn't be getting killed in the military anymore and it might improve military responsibility and readiness too.

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