Going off the deep end...

Yeah yeah, that's what you weirdos always say when you get called on your bullshit.
Says the side that actually supports people who “transition”.


Have you been smoking that cush shit, it will kill ya you know. You have to be smoking something, cause you're out of your fucking little mind.

Nope. Don't do drugs. Or drink for that matter.

Too much of a control freak.

Besides, I was just restating a well known truth.
I've told you before kid, your sexual education isn't my job.

But don't worry too much about it. As a republican you are unlikely to ever get laid anyway.
Copout from the lying POS.

If you're scared to put your crazy on display...it's a first step on your road to recovery.

The pathological lying though is another matter entirely.

But you have the racist IM2 on your side...so you've got that problem to work on too.
Which part of that is a lie?
First... Folks with XY chromosomes aren't women. That is a lie.

And pathological liar is just a accurate descriptor of you generally from all the other bald faced lies you've been caught in...

...like "Trump said to inject bleach"... Which never happened... The man was asking a question and never EVER used the word bleach.

But still you lie about it.

You'll lie through your teeth in 3...2...1...
I am a liberal and I'll be voting for Kamala because she's not a wanna be dictator crybaby man. That's really pathetic.
Is the above to suggest that you, not Harris is the crybaby man?
Can you link to me saying they are?
No need for that...you can settle that score right now if you have the courage.

You can say trans women aren't women.

I'll wait.

And while I'm waiting for you to prove me wrong on that score...(fat chance on that)...allow me to reiterate you're a low down dirty snake in the grass baldfaced liar who continuously lied about Trump claiming he said people should inject bleach, in the face of a mountain of evidence to the contrary AND an NIH study of injecting aerosolized disinfectant into the lungs of COVID patients.

You're never going to live that down until you come clean and tell the truth for once.
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