Israel Rescues Another Hostage

I’ll look forward to listening to this, but right now I am sitting in a Chik-filet in liberal Washington, DC, where anti-Zionists and anti-semites (they overlap in the vast majority of cases) are eating, and I don’t want to br assaulted.
^ supports rape and murder of Jews
I support law and order, the Israelis do not, that's why they are still refusing to allow a UN rape investigations team to gather evidence of "rape" why? because they made it up just like the story about babies being beheaded, they lie, wake up.
The UN? Oh, you mean the organization that had a group set up to help engaging in terror operations against Israel.

Naturally, a Jew-hating retard like you would believe the UN is credible.

What's your Stormfront username?
The UN is a democratic institution, setup by the US and the other victors of WW2. If democracy isn't your cup of tea then of course you'll despise it.
Yeah! Everybody knows the good thing to do would be to kill every last Jew!

See? another hysterical Zionist who want's to play victim, wants to believe that all criticism of the Zionist regime is tantamount to calling for a repeat of the Holocaust, I wrote about people like you in another thread titles "Ultrasemitism" go an read it and learn something about yourself.
Ha ha. In your dreams.

Blatantly obvious.
The UN votes on all resolutions, one member state gets one vote. The UN has the general assembly and the security council, the security council has 15 members and some of those are "permanent" members who never rotate and have veto powers - the US is a permanent member and has veto power, Israel benefits strongly from US support in the UN.

Member states agreed to abide by the rules, they chose to become members and can leave at any time.

I don't see any what this structure can be described as not democratic other than the privileges granted the permanent members and as I said Israel benefits hugely from this.
The UN votes on all resolutions, one member state gets one vote. The UN has the general assembly and the security council, the security council has 15 members and some of those are "permanent" members who never rotate and have veto powers - the US is a permanent member and has veto power, Israel benefits strongly from US support in the UN.

Member states agreed to abide by the rules, they chose to become members and can leave at any time.

I don't see any what this structure can be described as not democratic other than the privileges granted the permanent members and as I said Israel benefits hugely from this.

You can’t tell me anything about the UN.
Every citizen (Jewish and Arab) of the Province of Gaza would have the same rights under the law. Citizens of the Province of Gaza would be distinct from citizens of Israel (dual citizenship permitted). Israel ensures and manages infrastructure, health care, education, internal and external security. Every citizen votes and has a say in the government of the Province of Gaza (within parameters of security as set by Israel). Gaza gets prosperity. Israel gets peace. In 50 years, the citizens of Gaza decide (by referendum) whether they would prefer to be fully incorporated into Israel or whether they would prefer independence.
Sounds reasonable to me.
I support law and order, the Israelis do not, that's why they are still refusing to allow a UN rape investigations team to gather evidence of "rape" why? because they made it up just like the story about babies being beheaded, they lie, wake up.
^ supports rape and murder of Jews

Not a single solitary word of condemnation from you about Hamas war crimes. You claim they're all made up, or were done by Israelis.

So, it follows, you support Hamas raping and murdering Jews.

That's some of that "logic" stuff. I know you don't recognize it.
The UN is a democratic institution, setup by the US and the other victors of WW2. If democracy isn't your cup of tea then of course you'll despise it.
Democracy is two Muslims voting to kill the Jew.

The UN is a hate-America, hate-Israel club for thugs, tyrants, terrorists, and their appeasers.

The US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US. Move it to Brussels where they support Muslim barbarians raping European children.
See? another hysterical Zionist who want's to play victim, wants to believe that all criticism of the Zionist regime is tantamount to calling for a repeat of the Holocaust, I wrote about people like you in another thread titles "Ultrasemitism" go an read it and learn something about yourself.
Go eat shit. You try to put a veneer of respectability on your Nazism, but normal people ain't buyin' it.

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