Right-Wing Influencer Network Tenet Media Spread PUTIN Disinformation

I don't think you really understand at all what Russia wants.

Russia wants America to be so divided that we have a civil war. They could care less who exactly is president...they want the rank and file citizens of the USA so divided that they fight each other instead of the enemy at their gate.

That's their whole goal and purpose.

Sure they want to win the war in Ukraine. That's a given. But it's any and every issue that they can find which we are divided on they want to blow up into monumental proportions. So we fight each other, disrespect each other, and do anything vile to each other.

This whole business of Lawfare against Trump would have been not allowed and stopped 20 years ago. But today there isn't much fuss about it....because America is too divided. That's Russian propaganda effects.

Politics and religion are of course divisive issues. Currently politicians are so focused on winning that they have no clue concerning the core ideologies of the party they are members of. And we do NOT hear those ideologies ever discussed anymore....just simplistic and short term policies like "border wall" or "taxes".

That's the problem....
I agree. You are mostly correct.
Putin would additionally prefer maximum dysfunction that would be achieved with Trump in power. But russia will take what it can get.

Dont forget how our justice system works with juries and appeals, which renders lawfare impossible in high profile cases.
I agree. You are mostly correct.
Putin would additionally prefer maximum dysfunction that would be achieved with Trump in power. But russia will take what it can get.

Dont forget how our justice system works with juries and appeals, which renders lawfare impossible in high profile cases.
But it's more than this....it's the whole anti mask antivaxxer/invermectin propaganda as well.
Because Russia wants Americans sick. Pure and simple.

I would bet this guy is right now wearing his wife's bra and panties.
Once again the left resorts to cartoon graphics in place of a political argument. After about 50 alleged intelligence officials committed treason when they swore that Hunter's laptop was "russian disinformation" the crazy left doubles down and finds something called "tenet Media". Who the hell is john Jay Smart anyway? He doesn't seem so smart to me.
Once again the left resorts to cartoon graphics in place of a political argument. After about 50 alleged intelligence officials committed treason when they swore that Hunter's laptop was "russian disinformation" the crazy left doubles down and finds something called "tenet Media". Who the hell is john Jay Smart anyway? He doesn't seem so smart to me.
They live by their fairytale narratives.
They believe their own BULLSHIT.

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