Tim Pool--Russian Intel Puppet

You think the mods here really care?
I don't know one way or the other.

Registering with a nationality is kinda a thing though....or at least telling the truth in your profile.

Timmy on here is obvious with him being from the UK. But other than a few others like him....there are many looking to deceive.
behind the scenes that was one of the big things the mods actually did.
FARA violations are no joke.

This site is "on the radar" so to speak because of membership size, traffic, and content.

They absolutely should do something. It's prudence.

Where this site likely doesn't generate millions of dollars....it still could come up.
FARA violations are no joke.

This site is "on the radar" so to speak because of membership size, traffic, and content.

They absolutely should do something. It's prudence.

Where this site likely doesn't generate millions of dollars....it still could come up.
Yes it was always humorous when I was accused of "bad modding" when 99% of what I did was combine threads and get rid of sockpuppets (and ban cat lovers of course, because they have no souls).
Yes it was always humorous when I was accused of "bad modding" when 99% of what I did was combine threads and get rid of sockpuppets (and ban cat lovers of course, because they have no souls).
I should post a cat video just because you said that. ROFL.

Mods take a LOT of heat. I got tired of it. Bad writing and bad logic....but you have to read it all. Uggghhhh. This site generates a TON of traffic and posts too.

I hear that there's been some good improvements in mod software that is becoming affordable. It most definitely would help.

That and a few other "tricks" that can slow down spammers.
/—-/ Well, good news for Kamala. She picked up a solid endorsement yesterday.

in Conservistan (and it was like this before the blob showed up hadit ) content has always equaled credibility. If your content didn’t toe the party line...you’re an enemy of the state. Bush ran out this troupe when he tried to make it that you’re either for us or for the terrorists. So it is only natural that RT and others would cash in on this. No blob supporting dimwit can ever point to a time when they were told what they didn’t want to hear from Gatewaypundshit, RT, Redstate, etc...
I didn't see you in the last meeting. Were you hiding under the table, maybe trying to hide from a blob that no one else could see?

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