Russia Trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

so is it still racist when she does it??
Trump was when he did it, so if it means nothing to you, it means nothing to me that Harris is doing it.

Here, change this meme and use Harris's name.

Yeah, his father gave him $414 million to start with and showed him how to buy Real Estate, scam his suppliers, builders, and lawyers and even then, he is ONLY WORTH $2.5 billion.

Bloomberg started with nothing and is worth $90 billion. I can name at least 10 others that started with nothing, never failed with any of their businesses or their game plans and are worth 10 times more (at least) than Trump is worth...........and have never been accused of sexual misconduct, never became convicted felons, never became crying and blaming-others babies, and never had to seek the help of Russian gangsters to get back on their feet.

Oh yeah, Trump is the greatest!!!!
who said he was the greatest??

sounds like youre just jealous its not you because youre such a failure at life,,
How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?

They wouldn’t. Which makes your question absurd.
The current admin made Russia’s aggression easier as there was no resistance from the US.
What’s more, this current admin assisted Russia's military in that endeavor by jacking up the cost of oil, thereby enhancing the Russian economy.
Democrats are retarded baboons.

Russia Trying to get Trump elected.​

Once again the default is to some made up shit to justify the failure to sell their progressive agenda.
Oh yeah, like Trump did not try to "justify his failure to get reelected" and as such, tried to sell his conservative shit by saying the election was stolen.

Hey, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, right?
They wouldn’t. Which makes your question absurd.
The current admin made Russia’s aggression easier as there was no resistance from the US.
What’s more, this current admin assisted Russia's military in that endeavor by jacking up the cost of oil, thereby enhancing the Russian economy.
Democrats are retarded baboons.
Then why are they trying to get Trump elected?
as long as the wall gets built I dont care who did it,,

you cant say the same,,

Your nick says it all. You are a hunter looking to kill the progressives, meaning that you have not yet accomplished your life's objectives. My nick is Luckyone, meaning that I have achieved my life's objectives.

Our own nicks, show who is the winner and who is the loser.

You are the loser.

Your nick says it all. You are a hunter looking to kill the progressives, meaning that you have not yet accomplished your life's objectives. My nick is Luckyone, meaning that I have achieved my life's objectives.

Our own nicks, show who is the winner and who is the loser.

You are the loser.

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you sure spend a lot of time on childish pictures,,
They aren’t. That’s you sucking up to democrat Pravda.
Change the goddamn channel!
Sorry, but if you can't see the data, statistics, and facts I provided, then there is nothing to talk about between us.

I have proven that Putin has done it. In fact, proven to the point that the Republicans themselves have stated that Putin worked to get Trump elected in 2016. You continue to give these types of BS answers, I have no reason to continue our conversation.

I cannot go up your "channel" as it leads to a fantasy world.
One pf the characters they are looking for was a trump staffer in 2016.

He is believed to be in Moscow now.


Dela vu all over again.

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