U.S. Accuses Russia of Using State Media Disinformation Ahead of November Election.

Xi doesn't want Trump back - too crazy. Too chaotic. Bad for business. Xi is more interested in taking over the world via business and investment, than by military means. Trump also is very destabilizing to the world order, because he's so easily offended, and childishly insecure.

You can't make a trade deal or any kind of deal with Trump, because he doesn't honor his deals. That's why he's be involved in over 4000 law suits. That's why 7 of his businesses have gone bankrupt, to the tune of more than $2 billion dollars.

Donald Trump holds every record imaginable for the worst businessman in history. Most money lost by an American taxpayer. Most bankruptcies for an American Businessman. Most money lost in the history of the world. Trump made his money on fraud, deception, and bankrupcty.
Who cares ?

We have a candidate with at least something in the way of policy positions.

They don't.

They have an Empty Suit.

Trump's suit is definitely not empty - all that fat and fast food, but his head most certainly is.

His policies are shite. Goldman Sacks priced out his promises - mass deportations will cut GDP, increase inflation and the price of groceries, and make the worker shortage catastrophic to the economy.

Harris' economic policies will cost LESS than Trump's and even the wealthy people who's taxes will going up, will make more money on the increased buy power of the middle class which will more than offset the increased taxes.

Regardless of what Republicans have been telling you since Reagan was in office, Republicans have been really, really bad for the working and middle class. They have systematically destroyed the US economy by transferring all of the nation's wealth to the top. You're truly an oligarchy, and now they're trying to eliminate elections and turn the nation over to the billionaires, via Donald Trump's dictatorship.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration accused Russia on Wednesday of a far-reaching effort to influence the U.S. presidential election, including by promoting disinformation and enlisting unwitting American influencers to spread propaganda on Russian state media.

The actions taken by the U.S. government include sanctions against leaders of RT, a state media organization that was forced by the Justice Department to register as a foreign agent, as well as visa restrictions.
announcement from Attorney General Merrick Garland is expected to show the depth of U.S. concerns and signal legal actions against those suspected of being involved.

Intelligence agencies have previously charged that Russia was using disinformation to try to interfere in the election. But the anticipated announcement from Attorney General Merrick Garland is expected to show the depth of U.S. concerns and signal legal actions against those suspected of being involved
Imagine being concerned about this, when AIPAC is actively influencing US elections in a big way.

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