Will the Electoral College screw up another election?

I had plenty, looks like you have nothing for a response. You stupid Simps have been taught for so long to toss Slaver salad that you don't even think to question their 200+ year old beliefs. Amazing. :lol:

Hear that, everyone? ^^^The guy who openly supports the KKK and is voting for a woman who's family owned 140 slaves thinks other people are cozying up to the slavers. :auiqs.jpg:
Wise enough to allow for change but not actually changing from slavery is even more damning to the deplorable nature of the Founders you Moron. It would be one thing if they engaged in slavery under duress but they chose it. :lol:
It's a cruel irony - but inspirational in a way. It highlights the power of ideas. Ideas can transcend the faults and limitations of those who carry them. In this case, the ideal of individual freedom eventually won out, and defeated slavery, despite the fact that the founders lacked the courage to get rid of the practice themselves.
It's a cruel irony - but inspirational in a way. It highlights the power of ideas. Ideas can transcend the faults and limitations of those who carry them. In this case, the ideal of individual freedom eventually won out, and defeated slavery, despite the fact that the founders lacked the courage to get rid of the practice themselves.

That's more of that aspirational fairytale shit. Ideas do not transcend the very real suffering of their victims. Slavers only get credit as warriors for liberty from cosplaying Snowflakes. Who isn't interested in at least protecting their own freedom? You all act like that's some revolutionary idea.... :lol:
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Hear that, everyone? ^^^The guy who openly supports the KKK and is voting for a woman who's family owned 140 slaves thinks other people are cozying up to the slavers. :auiqs.jpg:
Which KKK member do I openly support again Marvin? Show us all this very real argument we're supposed to take seriously.... :lol:
The Electoral College is a curse on American democracy! It must be terminated, which I'll never see in my lifetime - but it must be terminated. Presidential elections should be based on PEOPLE - not ACREAGE.

What do you think?

It's time to abolish the Electoral College

5 Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College

Outgrowing the Electoral College

Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College

It is based on people commie. And stop crying about every State having two senators. It's all equal. Why do you hate the country and the Constitution?


That's more of that aspirational fairytale shit. Ideas do not transcend the very real suffering of their victims.
What?? You think the value of freedom is a fairytale? I don't. And it's our dedication to that idea, rather than the people who promoted it, that finally got rid of slavery.
Slavers only get credit as warriors for liberty from cosplaying Snowflakes. Who isn't in at least protecting their own freedom? You all act like that's some revolutionary idea.... :lol:
I'm not giving credit to anyone. You're have this fixation on proving that the Founders were bad people, and I just can't care. They're all dead. But the ideal of freedom is still with us. I think that's a good thing. If you don't, sorry. Not sorry.
That is their voice, through their representatives. This false notion that mob rule has ever been acceptable is ridiculous.

Yet we do what you all call "mob rule" for everything but the POTUS.

Governors are elected by a simple majority of the votes.
Senators are elected by a simple majority of the votes.
Mayors are elected by a simple majority of the votes.
Sheriffs are elected by a simple majority of the votes.
What?? You think the value of freedom is a fairytale? I don't. And it's our dedication to that idea, rather than the people who promoted it, that finally got rid of slavery.
I think your aspirational bullshit about slaver values are fairtales. I also think freedom is what exists outside of laws and governments. All law is about restricting freedom, objectively speaking.
I'm not giving credit to anyone. You're have this fixation on proving that the Founders were bad people, and I just can't care.
Bad is a feeling, I'm here objectively proving from their actions that there were plenty of people who they didn't care at all about exploiting and the constitutional republic didn't prevent it, it supported it.
They're all dead. But the ideal of freedom is still with us. I think that's a good thing. If you don't, sorry. Not sorry.
When you talk about freedom you mean it in subjectively idealistic way, not the objective reality of what freedom is. Laws are restrictions on freedom. Facts.
Yet we do what you all call "mob rule" for everything but the POTUS.

Governors are elected by a simple majority of the votes.
Senators are elected by a simple majority of the votes.
Mayors are elected by a simple majority of the votes.
Sheriffs are elected by a simple majority of the votes.
Senators were never meant to be. That came later. Governor is a state office, and the House was always intended to be direct to the people. The Electoral College is a federal matter. Your state and local examples are not relevant to the discussion at hand.
Senators were never meant to be. That came later. Governor is a state office, and the House was always intended to be direct to the people. The Electoral College is a federal matter. Your state and local examples are not relevant to the discussion at hand.

They are examples of what you call "mob rule"

The electoral college is genius. Best idea we’ve had.

The better idea would be to strengthen the electoral college to include the popular vote.

Meaning that you have to get the 270 in the electoral college BUT you also have to win the plurality--not majority--of the popular vote. If you don’t get both, the House figures out who is the President. Meaning that of all the people who ran in the election, you have the will of the people embodied in the President elect either through their direct vote or through their elected representatives in the House.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You're contradicting yourself. You want to keep the EC but on the other hand you want to make it irrelevant with the PV. How about we just keep the PV irrelevant?

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
You must not read your own copy.
You're contradicting yourself.
Not even remotely true.
You want to keep the EC but on the other hand you want to make it irrelevant with the PV.
No shit brains. I think you have to win both, the plurality of the popular vote and the Electoral College as well.
How about we just keep the PV irrelevant?

If you’re asking me if we should change to a straight popular vote, I’d say no.

However I don’t think anyone with a brain in their head thinks its great when the person who gets the most votes somehow doesn’t win the office they campaigned for. The presidency is a unique office--the office represents the totality of the citizens. Thusly the voters should have a direct voice in the matter.

99.7% of all adults have a functioning brain in their head. Glad to see you’re standing up for the other .3%
You must not read your own copy.

Not even remotely true.

No shit brains. I think you have to win both, the plurality of the popular vote and the Electoral College as well.

If you’re asking me if we should change to a straight popular vote, I’d say no.

However I don’t think anyone with a brain in their head thinks its great when the person who gets the most votes somehow doesn’t win the office they campaigned for. The presidency is a unique office--the office represents the totality of the citizens. Thusly the voters should have a direct voice in the matter.

99.7% of all adults have a functioning brain in their head. Glad to see you’re standing up for the other .3%

They have a direct voice in their States. People don't elect presidents, States do, base on the votes of their people. When it comes to a presidential election, simple democracy ends at the State lines. Then it's up to their representatives, the EC. The PV is irrelevant. And should remain so.

Libs have been whining about the Electoral College for many a moon. Yet they do nothing about it. All they have to do is to get a Constitutional Amendment passed, but they are spending almost no political energy on this.

Will the Electoral College screw up another election?​

Once again fucking retards cannot comprehend how a 245 year old operating system works.
No. They are arguing it no longer works because the population is no longer greatly tied to land size. Electorally voters in Rhode Island are far more important than voters in Texas.
They have a direct voice in their States. People don't elect presidents, States do, base on the votes of their people. When it comes to a presidential election, simple democracy ends at the State lines. Then it's up to their representatives, the EC. The PV is irrelevant. And should remain so.

Trump got 7M votes in California. They were effectively disenfranchised. Biden got something like 3.5M votes in Texas. They were essentially disenfranchised.

Nobody can make a logical case for not giving the voters a voice in electing the president.

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