If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war

I didn't say you did.

As far as Trump, he is far more dangerous than just being bluster and hurting feelings.

He's been found guilty of 34 felony counts.

He's been indicted multiple times in multiple states for over 90 felony charges.

He is solely responsible for the divide in this country over election fraud in 2020.

He instigated January 6th.

It appears he shared classified documents with others not cleared to view them.

He tried to overturn the election he lost by sending fake electors to D.C.

It is hilarious that you believe all of that and that it is all legit. Harris' policy proposals are not in question. Despite what you may believe, the rhetoric you posted is.
It is hilarious that you believe all of that and that it is all legit. Harris' policy proposals are not in question. Despite what you may believe, the rhetoric you posted is.

I am not responsible for your delusions. There's a record for each of those.
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I am not responsible for your delusions. There's a record for each of those.

He was in fact found guilty of several felonies, but that doesnt mean that he should have been. He was also impeached, which was also purely political. He didn't instigate Jan. 6. See how that works?

Now, defend Harris economic proposals.
He was in fact found guilty of several felonies, but that doesnt mean that he should have been. He was also impeached, which was also purely political. He didn't instigate Jan. 6. See how that works?

Now, defend Harris economic proposals.

The evidence in court proved his guilt.

As far as Harris, I'm no fan and have no interest in defending her. I'm not voting for her, I'm voting against Trump for all the reasons stated in post #318. Had Republicans put up anyone else, I'd be voting for them.
The evidence in court proved his guilt.

As far as Harris, I'm no fan and have no interest in defending her. I'm not voting for her, I'm voting against Trump for all the reasons stated in post #318. Had Tepublicans put up anyone else, I'd be voting for them.
If you are voting for Harris you are voting for the downfall of our country and an even bigger mess in the world. It is as simple as that. If she wins, I hope you don't have money in the market and don't care about our economy or our foreign policy.

But hey, I now that I can't convince you. You actually believe all the stuff you posted. That is the real issue.
If you are voting for Harris you are voting for the downfall of our country and an even bigger mess in the world. It is as simple as that.


Your hysteria is noted and laughed at.

If she wins, I hope you don't have money in the market and don't care about our economy or our foreign policy.

I'm not worried about your fears.

But hey, I now that I can't convince you. You actually believe all the stuff you posted. That is the real issue.

All provable.
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Yeah she did such a bad job that the crime rate went down and her program was adopted in multiple states across the nation. Not only was she re-elected as SF DA, and then elected as AG, she was then elected to the Senate.

You have given a single reason for not liking her other than she's "untrustworthy". Trump is the least "trustworthy" candidate in history - a criminal felon who has been found guilty of fraud on a massive scale, and who cheated virtually everyone he's ever done business with.

Banks won't lend to him. The State of New York has been after him for decades, and he's been involved in over 4000 law suits. He brags about making money by bankkrupting companies.

So pardon me if I think you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to Kamala Harris.
who gives a fuck about fucking donald trump....is that all you people think about?....geezus no wonder the guy stays relevant you fuckers wont let him fade away...and the crime rate did not go down in California.....
So what you're saying is that things ran well under the Democrat's New Deal and Great Society tax and labour policies. All of that changed in the mid-80's when Ronald Reagans tax and labour policies, and union busting, started transferring all of the wealth and income from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

California is an example of what happens when the nation's tax and labour policies reward the wealthy and punishes workers. Every Republican tax cut destablized the economy and resulted in another economic crash, which acclerated the transfer of wealth to the top.

In 1981, when Reagan was elected, the working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Today that percentage is 0%, and workers are dependant on food stamps, and earned income credits, to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Now your middle class is being endangered by a Party which has raised the federal minimum wage once in the past 40 years.

California is the result of Milton Friedman's "capitalism on steriods" fiscal policies, which were inflicted on South America in the 1970's. The only reason you're not Venezuela is because Reagan refused to cancel all social programs and government regulation of wages.no im saying things ran well when both parties are [
no im saying when the parties are relatively equal things run better...republicans today dont have much say in california.....but thanks for agreeing with me on how the quality of life has diminished in the state....
There will be MASS Democrat suicides :)
Nah, don't forget that all of us love and support the country when the votes are counted under the tutelage of both DNC and RNC overseers of the elections. Though a lifelong conservative, I have a respect for the good that a touch of liberalism balances out conservative insistence. Somehow, the system benefits all of us. USA! USA! USA! USA!

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