Question for trump supporters

You fuckers cheat your asses off.

You ignore our laws and flood our nation with illegals.

You hand out taxpayer money like candy.

Soooo you can kiss my ass over your self priclaimed RUGHTEOUSNESS

It has really become clear to me that this nation is going down because we are like late-stage Rome: too many of our men are no longer men. They are willing to vote on their delicate hurt feelings and "vibes" even against their own best interests AND THE INTERESTS OF THEIR FAMILY.

Freaking feminized men. Period.
It has really become clear to me that this nation is going down because we are like late-stage Rome: too many of our men are no longer men. They are willing to vote on their delicate hurt feelings and "vibes" even against their own best interests AND THE INTERESTS OF THEIR FAMILY.

Freaking feminized men. Period.
You need a real man to fight off those vicious six year olds!
States will begin to secede once the bread lines start. And other Lamaka atrocities, like illegals trying to board school buses.

But you can rest easy knowing Trump no longer has the ability to chap your most delicate butthole.
That orange fool has made you believe we are in a dystopian world. He should be ashamed, and you should be embarrassed.
That orange fool has made you believe we are in a dystopian world. He should be ashamed, and you should be embarrassed.

Americans believe it too, and know what they know. I just saw a report that DOLLAR GENERAL has lost a bunch of revenue because people cannot afford...DOLLAR GENERAL

But go on, vote with your hurt feelings and chapped butthole.
That orange fool has made you believe we are in a dystopian world. He should be ashamed, and you should be embarrassed.
Says the Lying Pecker who supports paying $13 for a Subway sandwich that used to cost $5.

I didnt like you sorry asses before Trump.

Embarrassed to call you out?

Who are you talking to ? I have not heard that hardly at all.

IF he loses, he loses. It will be time to look inward and fix the problems that are causing us to lose. We'll need a candidate put in place fast as Harris would be back in 4 years and Charles Manson could probably beat her. Problem is there might not be much of a country left......

What combat. We will likely have the senate and might keep the house.

Cowards ? No. Probably some very frustrated indivdiuals. Election boards need to be on their A game to limit any issues that could cause suspicion. Needs to be squeaky clean. Should ALWAYS be squeaky clean.


If another mob goes stupid they get what they deserve.

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