Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict

Uh-oh--here come the internetz warriors!
Too funny, as if any of these soreheads are going to do anything at all.

Supporters of former President Donald Trump, enraged by his conviction on 34 felony counts by a New York jury, flooded pro-Trump websites with calls for riots, revolution and violent retribution.
After Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime, his supporters responded with dozens of violent online posts, according to a Reuters review of comments on three Trump-aligned websites: the former president's own Truth Social platform, Patriots.Win and the Gateway Pundit.

Some called for attacks on jurors, the execution of the judge, Justice Juan Merchan, or outright civil war and armed insurrection.
“Someone in NY with nothing to lose needs to take care of Merchan,” wrote one commentator on Patriots.Win. “Hopefully he gets met with illegals with a machete,” the post said in reference to illegal immigrants.

On Gateway Pundit, one poster suggested shooting liberals after the verdict. “Time to start capping some leftys,” said the post. “This cannot be fixed by voting."
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What you talking about? You loons did Trump a huge favor. He has raised over 35 million for his campaign. Good job!
Uh-oh--here come the internetz warriors!
Too funny, as if any of these soreheads are going to do anything at all.

Supporters of former President Donald Trump, enraged by his conviction on 34 felony counts by a New York jury, flooded pro-Trump websites with calls for riots, revolution and violent retribution.
After Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime, his supporters responded with dozens of violent online posts, according to a Reuters review of comments on three Trump-aligned websites: the former president's own Truth Social platform, Patriots.Win and the Gateway Pundit.

Some called for attacks on jurors, the execution of the judge, Justice Juan Merchan, or outright civil war and armed insurrection.
“Someone in NY with nothing to lose needs to take care of Merchan,” wrote one commentator on Patriots.Win. “Hopefully he gets met with illegals with a machete,” the post said in reference to illegal immigrants.

On Gateway Pundit, one poster suggested shooting liberals after the verdict. “Time to start capping some leftys,” said the post. “This cannot be fixed by voting."
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They are already trying to dox the jury. Bunch of scum. I say let them bring it. Put them in jail where they belong.
You are amused that half the nation is enraged. There are millions of other democrats just like you. This seems like a recipe for the eventual dissolution of the United States.
Empires have always lasted for an average of 250 years. Internal dissent and separation, combined with the hoarding of the wealth at the top, has brought many of them down in history. Don't get me wrong, I'm patriotic, and depressed at seeing it happen. I'll do whatever I can to prolong the inevitable.
You are amused that half the nation is enraged. There are millions of other democrats just like you. This seems like a recipe for the eventual dissolution of the United States.
You guys always get enraged when you lose. Every single time. It’s always ”rigged” and you’re always the victim.

It’s like watching grown men throw a temper tantrum every time they lose a game of Scrabble. It’s more pathetic than it is amusing.
You guys always get enraged when you lose. Every single time. It’s always ”rigged” and you’re always the victim.

It’s like watching grown men throw a temper tantrum every time they lose a game of Scrabble. It’s more pathetic than it is amusing.
Yeah it's real pathetic. Like grow a pair, man up, move on, and try better (legally) next time. Pretty simple. And tell trump to stop committing crimes! Maybe if someone had a pair in the repub party to demand that, trump wouldnt be in this situation today.
Uh-oh--here come the internetz warriors!
Too funny, as if any of these soreheads are going to do anything at all.

Supporters of former President Donald Trump, enraged by his conviction on 34 felony counts by a New York jury, flooded pro-Trump websites with calls for riots, revolution and violent retribution.
After Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime, his supporters responded with dozens of violent online posts, according to a Reuters review of comments on three Trump-aligned websites: the former president's own Truth Social platform, Patriots.Win and the Gateway Pundit.

Some called for attacks on jurors, the execution of the judge, Justice Juan Merchan, or outright civil war and armed insurrection.
“Someone in NY with nothing to lose needs to take care of Merchan,” wrote one commentator on Patriots.Win. “Hopefully he gets met with illegals with a machete,” the post said in reference to illegal immigrants.

On Gateway Pundit, one poster suggested shooting liberals after the verdict. “Time to start capping some leftys,” said the post. “This cannot be fixed by voting."
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not true at all. liberal lies.
"He has raised over 35 million for his campaign
.......35 million and counting. Not to mention all the new supporters."

Sourcing on such numbers?
From the Trump Election Committee?
From Trump?

Gee, is there a motive to falsely either?
Have they ever 'stretched-the-blanket' on other matters?

So, should we unconditionally believe Don Trump or those who serve him?

You can.
You be you.

But speaking for my avatar..... count us skeptical.

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