Trump supporters try to dox jurors and post violent threats after his conviction

The United States of Banana: The Newest Banana Republic on the Block​

June 1, 2024 by David T. Cloft

Well, folks, it seems like the land of the free and the home of the brave has taken a nosedive straight into the land of the bananas. Yes, you heard it right. Under President Joe Biden, the United States has ascended—or rather descended—to the prestigious rank of the world’s largest banana republic. Move over, Honduras and Guatemala; there’s a new kid on the block with a bigger basket of bananas and even juicier scandals.
First on the agenda, let’s talk about the dazzling array of corruption. Remember those good old days when we thought political scandals were confined to Watergate? Ah, simpler times. Fast forward to today, and we have a president whose alleged shady deals with Ukraine and China make Nixon look like a saint. Biden’s dealings have been swept under the rug so efficiently that one starts to wonder if we should rename the White House cleaning staff the “Cover-Up Crew.” Who knew transparency meant “transparently ignoring” all the questionable activities abroad?
Let’s not forget Hunter Biden, the First Son of Shenanigans, whose escapades in Ukraine and China have been so prolific that they’re practically a Netflix series waiting to happen. One can’t help but marvel at the business acumen displayed when you’re landing multi-million dollar deals in industries you know nothing about. It’s almost as if being the son of the Vice President comes with its own magic wand. Forget Hogwarts; just enroll your kid in D.C. nepotism school!
Meanwhile, the American public seems to have developed a convenient case of collective amnesia. It’s as if we’ve been hit with a nationwide dose of “selective sight syndrome,” where we can’t seem to see the forest for the corruption. But don’t worry, it’s not like mainstream media is going to jog our memory. They’re too busy reporting on the President’s favorite ice cream flavor or his endearing habit of wearing aviator sunglasses indoors. Priorities, people!
So here we are, the United States of Banana, with a government that’s more interested in shady international dealings than the well-being of its citizens. At least in the classic banana republics, the corruption is upfront and honest. Here, it’s wrapped in layers of patriotism, freedom, and apple pie. Next time someone tells you America is the greatest country in the world, you can agree wholeheartedly—and then ask them to pass you a banana. After all, we are the world’s largest banana republic now.

Please stop this nonsense. Trump faced American Justice

What if you People-of-the-Cult took Trump at his own words?

Trump once said a president under felony indictment would grind the government to a halt and create a constitutional crisis

Melting MAGA people.jpg
Truth be told... one of the "lefties" will out a juror or two... :( and then say "look at what the cultist did" :abgg2q.jpg:
One of the lelfties will assassinate a juror or two secure in the knowledge that no one will be looking to the left.
Can't truly decide how I feel about this. It wouldn't be the first time, would it? is there a law against it? I am not going to take the time to research.
What do YOU think?

Advance Democracy, a nonprofit that conducts public interest research, said there has been a high volume of social media posts containing violent rhetoric targeting New York Judge Juan Merchan and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, including a post with Bragg’s purported home address. The group also found posts of the purported addresses of jurors on a fringe internet message board known for pro-Trump content and harassing and violent posts, although it is unclear if any actual jurors had been correctly identified.

I think it is evil.
Please stop this nonsense. Trump faced American Justice

What if you People-of-the-Cult took Trump at his own words?

Trump once said a president under felony indictment would grind the government to a halt and create a constitutional crisis

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Trump faced public humiliation from a weaponized government. He knew it was coming and it works to his advantage. Like almost anything the assholes have done to stop him.
Hitler was only able to come to power because Germany's leaders were pussies who let him out of jail after he tried a coup. And here is MAGA, trying to repeat history. Eat shit, snowflake :itsok:
suck it buttercup, Trump is going to be YOUR President again :itsok:
Can't truly decide how I feel about this. It wouldn't be the first time, would it? is there a law against it? I am not going to take the time to research.
What do YOU think?

Advance Democracy, a nonprofit that conducts public interest research, said there has been a high volume of social media posts containing violent rhetoric targeting New York Judge Juan Merchan and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, including a post with Bragg’s purported home address. The group also found posts of the purported addresses of jurors on a fringe internet message board known for pro-Trump content and harassing and violent posts, although it is unclear if any actual jurors had been correctly identified.

And . . . I'm guessing you don't know or don't care that liberals have done the same thing, and worse, to jurors who issued verdicts they didn't like, such as the jurors in Kyle Rittenhouse's criminal trial or the jurors in George Zimmerman's criminal trial. Did you post posts about the criminal harassment of those jurors? Or do you only care when the jurors have issued verdicts that you like?
Probably not a good idea to incite domestic terrorism online Scruffy.
You're on record now.
who said anything about violence?
We gong to play the same games you play :abgg2q.jpg:
Hitler was only able to come to power because Germany's leaders were pussies who let him out of jail after he tried a coup. And here is MAGA, trying to repeat history. Eat shit, snowflake :itsok:
Hitler was popular and they thought that they could control him. They were wrong.

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