Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

“Not once in my life was I ever accused of being a bigot or racist or any of the other nonsense, nor did I ever want or think about desegregation. Prior to Obama's race baiting presidency, none of this was in my world, none of it... but this meme hits hard today, really hard.How our current state of societal rot isn't the #1 action item of every mayor in the Country ~ I've no clue.”

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both side and both were bussed.
Are every single black person by nature inferior? No. Thomas sowell is a testament to that fact.

But, with that spoken there is a something to be said that of throughout the history of mankind across the entire world there are no first world entirely black countries. In mans history across the planet blacks have done very very very little in terms of science, engineering, electrical, physics, math, literature, psychology, aerospace, architecture, mechanical, medicine, and so on. Almost all of mans advances are due to people who aren't black. Modern civilization as we know it right now in every country is due to non blacks.

And most of the most successful black people are ones that come from white European based countries and societies. The white man hasn't kept blacks down for tens of thousands of years in every country including their own, they kept themselves down.

It isn't racist when you say something that's true.
What you said is racist because it isn't true.

Thomas Sowell is not first class, but because he says what you want to hear, you make that claim.

Your second paragraph is entirely fact free jibberish. You ignore the destruction of African countries by white colonization. You ignore that without the stolen resources from Africa, the white civilizations you talk about don't exist. Today, it is lithium mined out of African ground that allows us to use cell phones and computers. So you really need to go study and stop repeating white racist nonsense.
What you said is racist because it isn't true.

Thomas Sowell is not first class, but because he says what you want to hear, you make that claim.

Your second paragraph is entirely fact free jibberish. You ignore the destruction of African countries by white colonization. You ignore that without the stolen resources from Africa, the white civilizations you talk about don't exist. Today, it is lithium mined out of African ground that allows us to use cell phones and computers. So you really need to go study and stop repeating white racist nonsense.
Nobody triggers you like Thomas Sowell. He is a great American and you are not.
What you said is racist because it isn't true.

Thomas Sowell is not first class, but because he says what you want to hear, you make that claim.

Your second paragraph is entirely fact free jibberish. You ignore the destruction of African countries by white colonization. You ignore that without the stolen resources from Africa, the white civilizations you talk about don't exist. Today, it is lithium mined out of African ground that allows us to use cell phones and computers. So you really need to go study and stop repeating white racist nonsense.
Keep living in your fantasies. Your African “kingdoms” barely had agriculture, the Europeans had more trouble fighting disease than your “ mighty” African kingdoms. Whites raised Africans up out of poverty, misery and ignorance. When the Whites left, the African countries lapsed back into poverty and misery despite having vast resources at their commands.
Wouldn't have been a market if the Europeans hadn't created it.
Dude, you are on a roll. Like every time you try to make a point, it’s based on low-grade leftist propaganda.

Your “evil white people” did not “create” a market for slavery. Just like blacks in the 1980’s aren’t to blame for creating a market for crack-cocain.

Slavery was universal. The only culture in the world working to abolish the UNIVERSAL practice of slavery, was the West.

Slavery existed independently, around the globe before cultural spread. Its the ultimate goal of bullies who are picking on the stupid kid.
Dude, you are on a roll. Like every time you try to make a point, it’s based on low-grade leftist propaganda.

Your “evil white people” did not “create” a market for slavery. Just like blacks in the 1980’s aren’t to blame for creating a market for crack-cocain.

Slavery was universal. The only culture in the world working to abolish the UNIVERSAL practice of slavery, was the West.

Slavery existed independently, around the globe before cultural spread. Its the ultimate goal of bullies who are picking on the stupid kid.
Even during the time of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, most slaves were marched north across the Sahara into Islamic slavery.

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