IN 2020, the CIA lied to the US Senate, saying that the Hunter Biden laptop story was "Russian disinformation"

Personal service contractors are covered and Morell used government resources to fulfill Blinken's request.

Not true. Contractors can do as they please as private citizens, and support or not support, any candidate, if they wished. They are NOT under the same rules as government employees.
Not true. Contractors can do as they please as private citizens, and support or not support, any candidate, if they wished. They are NOT under the same rules as government employees.

Wrong again commie.


Possibly. Whether the Hatch Act applies to a contractor centers around whether the contractor is a personal service contractor – i.e. an individual with whom the government directly contracts to provide a service – or merely an employee of a company with whom the government has contracted. Personal service contractors are covered by the Hatch Act, whereas employees of contractor companies generally are not. However, even employees of contractor companies should be mindful of the Hatch Act’s provisions: federal agencies are entitled to remove an individual employee of a contractor from any federal contract if the employee’s actions render him or her unsuitable or disruptive to the agency’s efficiency. You can bet that blatant Hatch Act violations will fall under that description.

Edit: Do you seriously think I pulled the term "Personal Service Contractors" out of my ass? I did some checking before I made that post. Perhaps you should have done the same.

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