Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

The rich pay their fair share...and yours too.

Testimony: Senate Budget Committee Hearing on the Progressivity of the U.S. Tax Code


Yeah, whatever the Marxies say is your 'fair share' is how much they're going to steal from you. Marxism is really criminal.
No. That is absolutely not true.

The religious right consisting of militant Abrahamic Catholics and white evangelical Christian Abrahamic nationalists put Republican senators and presidents in power to appoint and seat supreme court justices. They have managed to get six militant Abrahamic Catholic justices on the Supreme Court to find such religion related decisions as the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe versus Wade.

There is no secular group in existence pushing the Supreme Court to interpret the constitution favorable to Catholic doctrine. That doctrine is that the sanctity of life begins at conception. The Supreme Court did not insist upon that determination, but they do allow states to deprive women of their rights to decide whether or not they recognize a life inside their body as made in the image of God at the moment of conception or not.

Without religion in politics through the Republican party, there would never have been an abortion ban in this country.
Absolutely not backed up by fact. Just your irrational hatred of religion.

You failed. Run along.
It is kind of funny that Trumpsters will follow him around any left turn he makes.
Well, you did say this to start the conversation

"Democrats have the desire to force someone else to help the poor."
Yep. That's true. But what does that have to do with Warren Buffet avoiding taxes?
There wasn’t a country when the English settled here.
There wasn’t a country at Plymouth Rock until the Mayflower arrived and dropped settlers off. The “settlers” went into the land and claimed ownership somewhat due to their self righteous idea of divine right to all the land of the world in the name of Jesus Christ,

Native Americans didn’t create the country. English settlers did

The native Americans didn’t have to create a country as they were God’s chosen people to live on the land where they were born. Of course, the desert God of Abraham imagined by people on another continent far far away, had a better idea for his chosen people involving ownership of property protection of a divine king.
That is a lie. English Settlers did not create a country. The English settled and cultivated the land in the New World in order to acquire rights to possession of property by doing something with the land. They were expanding the British Empire. They were not creating a country.

The native people could not contest European property laws mostly because they didn’t have musket balls and gunpowder. They only could move westward if they did not want to be civilized by the Europeans in the name of their God.
How about you? No other leftist I've asked has contacted their local tribes to see if they could give their home back.

Are you the one?
Just your irrational hatred of religion.
I do not hate religion at all. We do not have a rational argument, so you lie about what I believe. I love the religion of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison and Ben Franklin and Thomas Payne. You can lump them all together in a term I refer to “rational theist”. We serve the God of nature by being rational.

My favorite religion during my lifetime is the religion of Dr. Martin Luther King is alive and what is called the black church..

A close second is Unitarian Universalist.
I do not hate religion at all. We do not have a rational argument, so you lie about what I believe. I love the religion of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison and Ben Franklin and Thomas Payne. You can lump them all together in a term I refer to “rational theist”. We serve the God of nature by being rational.

My favorite religion during my lifetime is the religion of Dr. Martin Luther King is alive and what is called the black church..

A close second is Unitarian Universalist.
So, like Mohammed, you do what you want and insist God said it was okay.
Easy. It prints more...thus lowering the value of all existing dollars.
If it prints more beyond our nation's productive capacity or allocates the money to frivolous crap, that doesn't make people more productive or educated, skilled, healthier, or doesn't develop our infrastructure then there's a problem. I agree, we can't just arbitrarily print money. The US Federal Government's budget has its limits, and that's the nation's GDP or production capacity.
There wasn’t a country at Plymouth Rock until the Mayflower arrived and dropped settlers off. The “settlers” went into the land and claimed ownership somewhat due to their self righteous idea of divine right to all the land of the world in the name of Jesus Christ,

The native Americans didn’t have to create a country as they were God’s chosen people to live on the land where they were born. Of course, the desert God of Abraham imagined by people on another continent far far away, had a better idea for his chosen people involving ownership of property protection of a divine king.
I never claimed they had to create a country.

Native Americans migrated here, via the land bridge between Alaska and Russia 1000s of years ago.
What proof do you have that Trump is schooled by a cartoon devil? You're really.....
None, that meme is just my way of expressing my belief that Trump does represent the Devil more so that represent God, which is something that Trump himself brought into the game.
If it prints more beyond our nation's productive capacity or allocates the money to frivolous crap, that doesn't make people more productive or educated, skilled, healthier, or doesn't develop our infrastructure then there's a problem. I agree, we can't just arbitrarily print money. The US Federal Government's budget has its limits, and that's the nation's GDP or production capacity.
I don't think D.C.'s ruling elite knows that.
I suggest you read this article and gain some history knowledge

US history lesson: Taxes on rich people helped to beat inflation

Just more leftist twaddle about stealing money from people who earned it and giving it to those who didn't.

Galbraith got it wrong. He should have said:

The modern liberal is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness.

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