Voters slam Kamala After Disastrous Train Wreck Interview...


Small minds, like a bird and Liberal Socialist Comunist Marxist Democrats will choose food and comfort rather than freedom and prosperity.
If your still voting for the CLOWN
KAMALA after more than a 3 and a half year circus
, just because you don't like the "orange man" and have "TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME", your commitment to STUPIDITY is impressive.
Trying to help LIBERAL DEMOCRATS understand what's going on right now is like going back into a burning building to pull someone out. Only to have them keep punching you in the face and demand evidence that the building is on fire. Even after they admit they can see the flames.
"JOY!", "JOY!", "HOPE!", "HOPE!" of NOTHING!!
The more things change, ..........

“What the herd hates most is the one who thinks differently; it is not so much the opinion itself, but the audacity of wanting to think for themselves, something that they do not know how to do.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
An articulate artful dodger. She gives lying a bad name.
Harris saying that she wants to move the country forward is like doctors telling a patient that they are at death's door, but not to worry, we are going to do our best to pull you through. :omg:

Keep running on that

Republicans expected Kamala to quickly fade away
She is kicking Donnie’s ass
MSNBC host Chris Hayes fumed over new poll results showing former President Trump as the favorite to win the Electoral College and therefore the presidency in November.

On his X account Friday, the "All in With Chris Hayes" anchor blasted recent poll results from famed pollster Nate Silver showing that Harris would most likely beat Trump in the national popular vote if the election were held today, though Trump would win the Electoral College.

"It’s clear as day the Electoral College is, to quote the great Justice Jackson a national suicide pact," Hayes posted.

MSNBC host rages after seeing polls showing Trump leading, calls Electoral College a ‘suicide pact’​

Harris has reversed a Trump runaway against Biden to a clear victory

Republicans are preparing another “stolen election” whine
We had 3.5 percent UE rate when trump was in office, with a stay in Mexico agreement with Mexico, and enforcing immigrantion laws, we have 4.1 percent UE today after harris and xiden’s open border policy.

So, your jobs line doesn’t match reality
We had a 14.8% UE rate under Trump. We still have a very strong job labor market. We need immigrants to fill jobs you won't.
We had a 14.8% UE rate under Trump. We still have a very strong job labor market. We need immigrants to fill jobs you won't.
Yes during the pandemic many people were laid off and went back to work later. Before the global pandemic, in feb we had 3.5 percent UE.

And yes they went back to work and we got back down to 3.5 percent, now years later UE is ticking back up over 4 percent and wages have declined

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