Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

Nirth There was no country here when the British came here and settled,
Sure there was a country in North America when George Washington was born. The name of the country was England or Great Britain as part of the British Empire,
until it became the United States of America and the first 13 colonies.

Where did you learn English and history. Trump university?
??? Is Biden or Harris using religion as a tool to win the election?

I think not, so your post is useless and on top of that, you did not answer the questions put forth in the OP!
Harris is using the religion of global warming, the religion of 'orange man bad,' the religion of 'I am woman,' the religion of 'I'm Jamacain, Indian and now black, none of which apparently includes God but more represents the Devil.
Sure there was a country in North America When George Washington was born. The name of the country was England until it became the United States of America and the first 13 colonies.

Where did you learn English and history. Trump university?
Sure I guess you are right England was here when he was born. He was a British subject that settled here.

There wasn’t a country when the English settled here.
Sure there was a country in North America when George Washington was born. The name of the country was England or Great Britain as part of the British Empire,
until it became the United States of America and the first 13 colonies.

Where did you learn English and history. Trump university?
North America was not a country when GW was born. It was just a continent. England established colonies in North America that were ruled by the British crown. BTW the 13 colonies were originally British. GW would have been a British subject at his birth and, indeed, was in the British military.

1) "Should Trump be using God and Religion to win the presidency"?
2) "Knowing who Trump is and hearing the above video, should the Evangelicals be supporting Trump"? <snip>

Yes, everyone's values and ethics, religious or secular, should be in the election.

No, evangelicals are hypocrites to support Trump.
Harris is using the religion of global warming, the religion of 'orange man bad,' the religion of 'I am woman,' the religion of 'I'm Jamacain, Indian and now black, none of which apparently includes God but more represents the Devil.
Well, I have never seen a video from Harris as this video done by Trump's campaign (with the approval from Trump).

As such, you MUST be right. Trump is God's messenger and Savior and Harris is the Devils messenger and his arm for the nation's destruction.
Well, I have never seen a video from Harris as this video done by Trump's campaign (with the approval from Trump).

As such, you MUST be right. Trump is God's messenger and Savior and Harris is the Devils messenger and his arm for the nation's destruction.

God loves Trump. Guess that bothers you eh?
Well, I have never seen a video from Harris as this video done by Trump's campaign (with the approval from Trump).

As such, you MUST be right. Trump is God's messenger and Savior and Harris is the Devils messenger and his arm for the nation's destruction.

No no, God made Harris too…she’s not made to be an effective leader
God loves Trump.
Yes he does. He was chosen by God to represent sexual molestation, lying, hate, revenge, incompetence and support for tyrants.

Oh wait, isn't that the description of the Devil?

It just had nothing to do with anything we were talking about. Maybe you got me mixed up with another poster.

I'm not a Trumper.
Well, you did say this to start the conversation

"Democrats have the desire to force someone else to help the poor."

This means that you are "anti" Democrats. As such, the probabilities favored you being "for Trump".

If you are not, then I apologize for the misunderstanding. What are you then, a critic?
Yes, they want the rich to pay their "fair" share. No one likes to be taken advantage of. Do you?

As Americans, we all need to contribute OUR fair share to the welfare of the nation. You think the rich should not have to?

If you feel otherwise, perhaps it is time for you to move out of the U.S. and go live here

View attachment 1004397
The rich pay their fair share...and yours too.

Testimony: Senate Budget Committee Hearing on the Progressivity of the U.S. Tax Code

According to the latest IRS data for 2018—the year following enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)—the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid $616 billion in income taxes. As we can see in Figure 1, that amounts to 40 percent of all income taxes paid, the highest share since 1980, and a larger share of the tax burden than is borne by the bottom 90 percent of taxpayers combined (who represent about 130 million taxpayers).[2]


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