Trump desecrates Arlington Cemetary and lies to veterans.

They were told it was against the rules on the photos for any politicians seeking photo ops, out of respect for all soldiers buried on this sacred ground. His goons and thugs pushed the caretaker of the property so they could continue making their political ad for Trump to exploit for his own political campaign.

He and his lawless thugs, don't deserve any praise from you, or any patriotic American. It should make you sick to your stomach.
Totally forgivable offense. A true patriot responding to Gold Star families requests. Democrat Liars make me sick to my stomach
One of your most reprehensible posts. Biden and Harris orchestrated those 13 Marines horrible deaths with the complete botching of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Why weren't they at Arlington? Oh right, the families refused to invite the MURDERERS OF THEIR SONS.
... the horrible treaty signed by Trump created a panic room with no escape.
Nonsense. The treaty was awful.

Blisterfinger The whole thing was Biden Harris fault. You can't hide from that fact.
Of course it was. The Taliban violated the terms of Trump's agreement, Biden Harris fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan badly costing the lives of 13 Brave Americans.
Awww geez, looks like I struck a nerve with a MAGA bedwetter! My post still stands, Cletus. Your orange assface went to Arlington for a photo op to blow smoke up your ass which you welcome, loser.

You're so stooooopid you don't realize that three years after the pullout your boy pulls,a stunt a Arlington right before the election.

Enjoy your ignorance & the taste.
Hey asswipe, my slapping you stupid with facts still stands faggot. Trump held a ceremony honoring the soldiers assholes like you and Zinc piss on daily. You're so stupid you forget that the families involved thanked Trump for calling them and speaking with them. Unlike your fellow fuckup Xiden and Harris. Who caused their deaths as assholes like you and Zinc CHEERED it. So take your projection and shove it back up your ass as you eat more shit sandwiches from Harris.

those 13 died due to ISIS, which Trump had claimed to get rid of, but was actually still there.

This is the result of fulfilling the requirements of Trumps Doha agreement with Afghanistan.
No, they died due to BIDEN and HARRIS fucking up any withdrawal plans. Of course you cheer morons like Kraperlimpdick. We get it. You leftards hate honoring troops because you hate them personally.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

You should because the world won't be doing business with Donald Trump. Unless you're rich like him, you'll be much worse off.

What does this post have to do with Trump descrating the graves of the fallen soldiers.

Deny, deflect and defending your criminal candidate with garbage.
Trump desecrated nothing you stupid foreigner. He didn't check his watch every 2 minutes like Biden did because he didn't want to be there. Stay in your own country.
Using dead soldiers for a campaign photo op is not a patriotic act of kindness, dumb ass.
Hey dumbass, honoring those fallen on the anniversary is not desecration dumbfuck. No matter how much you really really want it to be.
Hey asswipe, my slapping you stupid with facts still stands faggot. Trump held a ceremony honoring the soldiers assholes like you and Zinc piss on daily. You're so stupid you forget that the families involved thanked Trump for calling them and speaking with them. Unlike your fellow fuckup Xiden and Harris. Who caused their deaths as assholes like you and Zinc CHEERED it. So take your projection and shove it back up your ass as you eat more shit sandwiches from Harris.
Hey MAGA homeboy, your assbuddy Trump could have met with the families by not doing a photo op at Arlington violating military protocol & traditions. But he needed to blow smoke up your ass, so instead he turned sacred ground into a clown show with him as the leading man for a few votes.

You're so stupid it's a wonder that you even know how to breathe. Enjoy the taste.
Trump descrated no Graves. He honored gold star families, what's wrong with that? Do you hate gold star families?

Trump is USING the gold star families. I'm sure they didn't want this public embarassment.

When you can't even go to a memorial service without being an asshole, I'm guessing the families are regretting ever inviting him. This isn't what they wanted. This is what TRUMP wanted.

As always.

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