Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

I don't think D.C.'s ruling elite knows that.
It's not in the interest of their handlers to inform the public that the government can have a larger budget than it has now and provide services to the public. The ruling elites want to privatize all of those services and make a profit off of them. They want to own all of the public resources, including the natural wealth of this country that should be publicly owned and considered our commonwealth.

The commons or the public according to the wealthy capitalist class, shouldn't own any wealth collectively or realize the immense power that they have through a democratic government. The ruling class does everything possible to poison the well, make people believe democracy is evil and everything should be privatized or turned into a commodity.

Unfortunately, many working-class people have drunk the Kool-Aid of their capitalist masters. They defend the interests of their masters to their own detriment, undermining their rights and interests.
It's not in the interest of their handlers to inform the public that the government can have a larger budget than it has now and provide services to the public. The ruling elites want to privatize all of those services and make a profit off of them. They want to own all of the public resources, including the natural wealth of this country that should be publicly owned and considered our commonwealth.

The commons or the public according to the wealthy capitalist class, shouldn't own any wealth collectively or realize the immense power that they have through a democratic government. The ruling class does everything possible to poison the well, make people believe democracy is evil and everything should be privatized or turned into a commodity.

Unfortunately, many working-class people have drunk the Kool-Aid of their capitalist masters. They defend the interests of their masters to their own detriment, undermining their rights and interests.
Yeah, I get a little antsy when people tell me what's in my best interests. I'm perfectly capable of making that call on my own.

Usually what's "in my best interests" always turns out to be keeping the busybody in power.
None, that meme is just my way of expressing my belief that Trump does represent the Devil more so that represent God, which is something that Trump himself brought into the game.
What proof do you have that Trump represents the Devil? Did he cut America's fuel supply? (Uh no that would have been Beelzeub Biden).
No other leftist I've asked has contacted their local tribes to see if they could give their home back.
I didn’t say anything about wanting to give Native Americans their land back. Why must you resort to lying about what I write.

All I’m doing is stating the correct historical record. History is what it is and we can’t change it. But there is no use in lying about it.

Let’s end Christian historical mythology requiring belief that the 17th Century Puritan theocrat first settlers who believed they were actual servants of the one and only true God, had something relevant to do with the creation of the United States of America at the end of the 18th Century.

Puritans had a role in settling the New England wilderness over three or four generations by pushing the original inhabitants deeper into the western wilderness. Thats it. Nothing more historically.

Now, those who claim that the very same 17th Century puritanical God is now a benevolent God and the same champion for equal rights to life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness for all mankind. That’s bullshit.

It the Natural Law Bullshit that Saint ding peddles about the God of Abraham and His ‘manly” Kingdom on Earth.
It's hilarious how badly you want to be oppressed by the United Christian States of America.

Chicks dig the victimhood fetish. No, really.
I am going to give you a serious reply to this idiotic and debasing post of yours. By the same token, this is probably going to be the last serious reply to any of your posts.

I am a team player (which you evidently are not). I am proud to be an American but I do realize that being an American means that I must bear the weight imposed on me to be able to enjoy and be part of this great nation. In simple words, you need to pay to get the good stuff.

Would I like to enjoy the benefits but have no obligations (which is what you are suggesting you want), the answer is "sure", but the reality of life is that there is nothing free. Everything comes with obligations so that the benefits can be there. You want the benefits, you take on the obligations.

One other thing that I know about life, is that life always has good and bad attached to it. You need to accept the bad in order to get the good. Is anything perfect? No, given than humanity by nature is not perfect. Humans make mistakes and always will. This means that if you look, you can always find something that is unfair and needs to be fixed. Will it get fixed? Most of the time, the answer is "no" but some small fixes can happen but you need everyone to get involved as a unified group for those changes to be made. Changes will never happen if one group or the other does not participate.

One basis fact that needs to be mentioned is that as a nation, we are all one group together fighting other nations that are trying to do the same for their citizens. This means that we have to work together as one nation fighting other nations. If we do not do that, the other nations (such as Russia, China, etc) will gain an advantage over us in order to help themselves while making us pay for that.

We need to be unified as fighting among ourselves is self-defeating. That also means that no group within the nations can have the objective of "my way or the highway".

It is certainly evident that the Republicans have no desire to compromise. the Democrats have always been willing to compromise but recently and given the "my way or the highway" mentality of the right, the left has also become intransigent (if you slap me, I will slap you back).

I have now given you my idea of what is the right thing to do to keep our nation going forward and that is for all of us to work together so that we can be better than other nations. In the last 20 years, the Republicans are the ones that have become intransigent. When Obama was elected, the basic racism of the White Republicans kicked in stronger than ever (they said, we do not want a Black President). They were not happy with a country that is diverse. They want a White America and are willing to break our unity-as-a-nation to obtain that.

That is what I believe and I have a LOT of data, statistics and facts that support my beliefs. You have none to support your beliefs. As such, you are part of the disunity that is affecting our once great nation.

Last serious post to you. From now on, if I respond to one of your posts it will be with the intention of making fun of your blind-by-choice attitude.
You know what's keeping Buffet from sending more money to the Treasury to right this terrible injustice?

Absolutely nothing.

But he sure keeps the Useful Idiots riled up, doesn't he? You're a good trained monkey.
ad you are a Trump puppet doing his bidding.
Yeah, I get a little antsy when people tell me what's in my best interests. I'm perfectly capable of making that call on my own.

Usually what's "in my best interests" always turns out to be keeping the busybody in power.
Yeah, the busybodies that live off of other people's labor, like the wealthy capitalist class. I get even more antsy when my government serves the interests of the rich at the expense of the public good.
I didn’t say anything about wanting to give Native Americans their land back. Why must you resort to lying about what I write.

All I’m doing is stating the correct historical record. History is what it is and we can’t change it. But there is no use in lying about it.

Let’s end Christian historical mythology requiring belief that the 17th Century Puritan theocrat first settlers who believed they were actual servants of the one and only true God, had something relevant to do with the creation of the United States of America at the end of the 18th Century.

Puritans had a role in settling the New England wilderness over three or four generations by pushing the original inhabitants deeper into the western wilderness. Thats it. Nothing more historically.

Now, those who claim that the very same 17th Century puritanical God is now a benevolent God and the same champion for equal rights to life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness for all mankind. That’s bullshit.

It the Natural Law Bullshit that Saint ding peddles about the God of Abraham and His ‘manly” Kingdom on Earth.
And yet, oddly, no one is forcing you to believe anything. It's almost like you have free will. Crazy talk!
I didn’t say anything about wanting to give Native Americans their land back. Why must you resort to lying about what I write.

All I’m doing is stating the correct historical record. History is what it is and we can’t change it. But there is no use in lying about it.

Let’s end Christian historical mythology requiring belief that the 17th Century Puritan theocrat first settlers who believed they were actual servants of the one and only true God, had something relevant to do with the creation of the United States of America at the end of the 18th Century.

Puritans had a role in settling the New England wilderness over three or four generations by pushing the original inhabitants deeper into the western wilderness. Thats it. Nothing more historically.

Now, those who claim that the very same 17th Century puritanical God is now a benevolent God and the same champion for equal rights to life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness for all mankind. That’s bullshit.

It the Natural Law Bullshit that Saint ding peddles about the God of Abraham and His ‘manly” Kingdom on Earth.
Actually, the Indians and the settlers mostly got along. Without the indigenous people the first settlers from the Mayflower would have surely perished. Despite some initial conflict and mistrust of the settlers, colonists still built thriving colonies. Local Natives benefited as well and together, the colonists and Natives started building a separate economy from Britain through trading mostly.

Far from being pushed deeper the indigenous people and the colonists worked together for a long time.
It is kind of funny that Trumpsters will follow him around any left turn he makes.
Yep. That's true. But what does that have to do with Warren Buffet avoiding taxes?
Warren Buffet is NOT avoiding taxes. He is intelligently using the loopholes provided to the rich people. He mentioned the fact that he pays less taxes than his secretary because he has a heart and would like our taxes to be fair. Nonetheless, he is no idiot so he is not going to pay more taxes than other Billionaires as that would solve absolutely nothing.

Buffett is one of those people that I respect highly as he has morals, ethics, principles and humanity as well as being a highly competent person (contrary to every way),

If Buffett was running for president, he would get my vote.
Because you need production. If the US Federal Government were to deposit five million dollars in every American's checking account, no one would go to work the next day and prices would go through the roof. In other words, the economy would collapse. There would be no production.

I never claimed they had to create a country.
I’m not saying you claimed it. I am saying the native Americans had no obligation to create a nation according to the European Church/State system of government.

I am telling you the divine rights of kings extending their right to rule over all mankind as was given to those families by the God of Abraham.had no moral or natural law authority to take the land from the inhabitants of the New World.

Let’s quit pretending that moral justification credit the success of the Christians from Europe who basically stole three Continents from the human beings who lived on them.
And yet, oddly, no one is forcing you to believe anything. It's almost like you have free will. Crazy talk!
But they are forcing practically everyone in our country, to privatize everything, turning it into a commodity for the wealthy to profit from at our expense. They also poison people's minds with false information, demonizing the government, and democracy, pretending the working class will be better off serving the interest of the rich to the detriment of the public good. You, unfortunately, are a bootlicking tool of your capitalist masters, and an enemy of working-class people, who just want to have enough money to live a decent life. You're a despicable, treacherous piece of excrement.
I am going to give you a serious reply to this idiotic and debasing post of yours. By the same token, this is probably going to be the last serious reply to any of your posts.

I am a team player (which you evidently are not). I am proud to be an American but I do realize that being an American means that I must bear the weight imposed on me to be able to enjoy and be part of this great nation. In simple words, you need to pay to get the good stuff.

Would I like to enjoy the benefits but have no obligations (which is what you are suggesting you want), the answer is "sure", but the reality of life is that there is nothing free. Everything comes with obligations so that the benefits can be there. You want the benefits, you take on the obligations.

One other thing that I know about life, is that life always has good and bad attached to it. You need to accept the bad in order to get the good. Is anything perfect? No, given than humanity by nature is not perfect. Humans make mistakes and always will. This means that if you look, you can always find something that is unfair and needs to be fixed. Will it get fixed? Most of the time, the answer is "no" but some small fixes can happen but you need everyone to get involved as a unified group for those changes to be made. Changes will never happen if one group or the other does not participate.

One basis fact that needs to be mentioned is that as a nation, we are all one group together fighting other nations that are trying to do the same for their citizens. This means that we have to work together as one nation fighting other nations. If we do not do that, the other nations (such as Russia, China, etc) will gain an advantage over us in order to help themselves while making us pay for that.

We need to be unified as fighting among ourselves is self-defeating. That also means that no group within the nations can have the objective of "my way or the highway".

It is certainly evident that the Republicans have no desire to compromise. the Democrats have always been willing to compromise but recently and given the "my way or the highway" mentality of the right, the left has also become intransigent (if you slap me, I will slap you back).

I have now given you my idea of what is the right thing to do to keep our nation going forward and that is for all of us to work together so that we can be better than other nations. In the last 20 years, the Republicans are the ones that have become intransigent. When Obama was elected, the basic racism of the White Republicans kicked in stronger than ever (they said, we do not want a Black President). They were not happy with a country that is diverse. They want a White America and are willing to break our unity-as-a-nation to obtain that.

That is what I believe and I have a LOT of data, statistics and facts that support my beliefs. You have none to support your beliefs. As such, you are part of the disunity that is affecting our once great nation.

Last serious post to you. From now on, if I respond to one of your posts it will be with the intention of making fun of your blind-by-choice attitude.
Let's ask the Democrats to compromise and drop all their lawfare charges on Trump. Let's ask Democrats to show us their candidate having more press conferences and interviews just like Trump does.
Let's ask the Democrats to compromise and drop all their lawfare charges on Trump. Let's ask Democrats to show us their candidate having more press conferences and interviews just like Trump does.
Trump broke the law over and over and over. The only lawfare would be to ignore it. And that is a resounding 'no'.
I am going to give you a serious reply to this idiotic and debasing post of yours. By the same token, this is probably going to be the last serious reply to any of your posts. were serious on all the others? :eusa_eh:
I am a team player (which you evidently are not). I am proud to be an American but I do realize that being an American means that I must bear the weight imposed on me to be able to enjoy and be part of this great nation. In simple words, you need to pay to get the good stuff.

Would I like to enjoy the benefits but have no obligations (which is what you are suggesting you want), the answer is "sure", but the reality of life is that there is nothing free. Everything comes with obligations so that the benefits can be there. You want the benefits, you take on the obligations.

One other thing that I know about life, is that life always has good and bad attached to it. You need to accept the bad in order to get the good. Is anything perfect? No, given than humanity by nature is not perfect. Humans make mistakes and always will. This means that if you look, you can always find something that is unfair and needs to be fixed. Will it get fixed? Most of the time, the answer is "no" but some small fixes can happen but you need everyone to get involved as a unified group for those changes to be made. Changes will never happen if one group or the other does not participate.

One basis fact that needs to be mentioned is that as a nation, we are all one group together fighting other nations that are trying to do the same for their citizens. This means that we have to work together as one nation fighting other nations. If we do not do that, the other nations (such as Russia, China, etc) will gain an advantage over us in order to help themselves while making us pay for that.

We need to be unified as fighting among ourselves is self-defeating. That also means that no group within the nations can have the objective of "my way or the highway".

It is certainly evident that the Republicans have no desire to compromise. the Democrats have always been willing to compromise but recently and given the "my way or the highway" mentality of the right, the left has also become intransigent (if you slap me, I will slap you back).

I have now given you my idea of what is the right thing to do to keep our nation going forward and that is for all of us to work together so that we can be better than other nations. In the last 20 years, the Republicans are the ones that have become intransigent. When Obama was elected, the basic racism of the White Republicans kicked in stronger than ever (they said, we do not want a Black President). They were not happy with a country that is diverse. They want a White America and are willing to break our unity-as-a-nation to obtain that.

That is what I believe and I have a LOT of data, statistics and facts that support my beliefs. You have none to support your beliefs. As such, you are part of the disunity that is affecting our once great nation.

Last serious post to you. From now on, if I respond to one of your posts it will be with the intention of making fun of your blind-by-choice attitude.
Entertaining tantrum. Patently untrue, but entertaining.

Your unwillingness to accept the proofs I offer does not mean they don't exist; it means you believe that your beliefs alter reality. That's a symptom of mental illness. Seek help.

Your "team" is not America; your team is the Democratic Party. The two are vastly different. Democrats have made it quite clear they don't want me on their team; I am a white conservative Constitution-supporting working class veteran Christian. Democrats believe I may be a domestic terrorist. Not getting a lot of team-y vibes from the Dems. So your bullshit about "national unity" is just that...bullshit.

Democrats' view of bipartisanship has always been "do what we say and shut the fuck up". Then you get angry that Republicans won't go along.

So, it turns out that you believe a lot of horseshit that simply isn't true. Reality doesn't support your fantasies. Nor do I have any obligation to rubber-stamp your asinine beliefs, no matter that you believe you're entitled to it.

So you won't post seriously at me any more? It's hilarious that you believe I should be disappointed.

Run along, you pompous twit.
But they are forcing practically everyone in our country, to privatize everything, turning it into a commodity for the wealthy to profit from at our expense. They also poison people's minds with false information, demonizing the government, and democracy and pretending the working class will be better off serving the interest of the rich to their detriment. You, unfortunately, are a bootlicking tool of your capitalist masters, and an enemy of working-class people, who just want to have enough money to live a decent life. You're a despicable, treacherous piece of excrement.

Has a dirt poor person ever given you a job? Of course not, because it takes money to hire people. What happens when 'the government' decides to take more tax money from them? Can you tell us? How does a 'working class' person even get a job? Where do jobs come from? Can you tell us?

Reality: When a government decides to put draconian taxes on a profit earning, product producing and job producing enterprise. That enterprise has less money to hire folks and has to raise prices on their products to account for the shortfall.
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