Trump desecrates Arlington Cemetary and lies to veterans.

Isn’t it the political left who says America is systemically racist, perpetrates white supremacy, built on slavery and is “stolen land”?
Not sure what that has to do with trump desecrating Arlington Cemetary or his general disgusting behavior.

Lol. The mainstream media and Bolton are not going to change, either! The truth is the truth, right? :)

Media Conglomerates with Defense Industry Ties

Several media companies are owned by conglomerates that have financial interests in the defense industry. Here are some notable examples:

1. General Electric (GE): GE is a significant player in the defense sector and partially owns NBC. This connection raises concerns about potential biases in reporting on military issues, as GE has substantial contracts with the U.S. Department of Defense.

2. Lockheed Martin: While not a direct owner of media outlets, Lockheed Martin is one of the largest defense contractors in the U.S. and has been known to influence media narratives through various means, including partnerships and sponsorships.

3. Boeing: Similar to Lockheed Martin, Boeing is heavily involved in defense contracting and has been linked to media coverage that favors military spending and operations.

4. Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics: These companies are also among the top defense contractors and have been noted for their influence in shaping public perception of military actions through media.

Implications of These Relationships

The relationships between media conglomerates and defense contractors can lead to a cozy relationship that may affect how military actions and policies are reported. This can result in a lack of critical coverage regarding military spending and operations, as media outlets may prioritize the interests of their parent companies or sponsors.


The intertwining of media ownership and defense industry interests raises important questions about the objectivity of military reporting. While direct ownership by defense contractors is not common, the financial ties and influence of major defense companies on media narratives are significant and warrant scrutiny.

Sources :

Not sure what that has to do with trump desecrating Arlington Cemetary or his general disgusting behavior.
It was in reference to your comment, something about “everything America stands for”. The never-Trump crowd seems to alternate between “America was never great” and having a deep respect for what “America stands for”.
" Regardless of the president in office, it seems that the balance between work and relaxation will continue to be scrutinized and debated throughout history. As President Biden enjoys his beach vacation, the public watches closely, reflecting on the tradition of presidents finding solace in their chosen retreats."

For example:

The website has been tracking Trump's golfing activities for years and it claims that he has accumulated 285 daytime visits to golf clubs since he became president with evidence of him playing on at least 142 occasions (as of November 08, 2020)...... During the same period of time, Barack Obama played 105 rounds of golf. The financial side of presidential golfing has also attracted scorn, given that trips on Air Force One, Secret Service protection and accommodation all tend to be expensive for American taxpayers. estimates that Trump's golfing trips have cost taxpayers $142 million so far, with trips to Mar-a-Lago onboard Air Force One accounting for $59 million of that total. There are also other items such as Secret Service accommodation or bills for Coast Guard protection at Trump's Florida property. The website's creators say they are tracking Trump's golfing activities due to a promise he made in 2016 when he said "I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf".
Donny Dopetard showed how greedy his is by charging the SS for the use of golf carts as they watched his sorry ass cheat at golf.

He's breathing air others could use.
Doing a photo op with gold star families out of kindness is not desecrating a cemetery dipshit
He did it to get his stupid looking mug in front of the cameras. The visit was a sham to get votes from clueless dolts who thinks he gives a shit about those buried at Arlington.
He did it to get his stupid looking mug in front of the cameras. The visit was a sham to get votes from clueless dolts who thinks he gives a shit about those buried at Arlington.
Biden Harris are the ones who don't give a shit about those buried in Arlington. Stupid Democrats have everything backwards
Biden Harris are the ones who don't give a shit about those buried in Arlington. Stupid Democrats have everything backwardsView attachment 1004522
Those families do not have the authority to give politicians like Trump permission to do photo ops to get votes over the graves of our fallen military.

They & Trump violated military protocol & tradition at Arlington whether you bedwetters like it or not.
Totally forgivable patriotic act by Trump. Who on Earth was harmed? I'm sure that the Gold Star Family was extremely grateful for the photo opportunity with Trump. What an honor
They were told it was against the rules on the photos for any politicians seeking photo ops, out of respect for all soldiers buried on this sacred ground. His goons and thugs pushed the caretaker of the property so they could continue making their political ad for Trump to exploit for his own political campaign.

He and his lawless thugs, don't deserve any praise from you, or any patriotic American. It should make you sick to your stomach.

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