Voters slam Kamala After Disastrous Train Wreck Interview...

The only questions Bash asked her were about the lies Trump and the Republicans are telling about her. Harris was only asked 4 questions that didn't pertain to Republican attacks against her.

Hillary played that game - answering all of the attacks. Harris won't be doing that. She's going to focus on her programs to rebuild the working and middle class.
Problem is she can SAY this, and SAY that, and 19 other grandiose idea things, but they all belong to the group of things Biden and her didn't do for 3.5 years, while inflation soared to 100-200% mindboggling heights, and Americans have been suffering, while prices continue rising right now.
Look at the homo stalker projecting his cowardice and homosexuality again. You're just pathetic as you deny reality. Harris embarrassed herself in that interview and looked weak. Now she has to stand for 90 minutes with NO notes, muted mics, and no Walz to answer for her.
Trump can't even call into Fox without proving what a jerkoff sounds like. Even some of their hosts almost laugh in his face.

Trump can't even call into Fox without proving what a jerkoff sounds like. Even some of their hosts almost laugh in his face.

And ?

If he is looking to win a popularity contest....he should just quit now.

But he's not.

I don't like him for a lot of reasons.

But he's better for the country than Harris by a long stretch.

Someday we'll run good people again.
Lantern does not understand that the job readjustment takes all of that into account. We are in a good economy.

Wages have not declines. We are at historically low UEs, have a strong labor market, and have a .50bps bump coming.

You can get a good job without a problem.

Why are you complaining?
Lantern: Missed that update of over 1,000,000 more jobs reported than actually existed? Wages have declined for a long time due to Bidenflaton.
Only to fools, lastamender.

Trump is going to lose badly, more indictments are coming, and he will spend the rest of his miserable life in court and prison,.
First impressions. Yes, I'm qualified to comment on what I saw. Every HR manager does that in every interview for even a lowly job, so, I should hold Harris to a LOWER standard?
You come out swinging with your best shot-- put your best foot forward.
But the only foot I saw there was the one up Kamala's ass.
And another CNN puff piece.
Haha, that’s funny

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