If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war

Neither do you. You only have Karl Rove's propaganda trying to "stop" her because everyone all who watched her was saying she was Presidential material. Rove and the Republicans spent millions trying to "dirty her up". He tried to slander her to keep her from being elected to the Senate. The race was a whole lot closer than expected as a result.
You don't know shit and you don't have the sense God gave a goose.
YOU are the mindless robotic cheerleader that WE LAUGH AT.
did you live in California while she was AG?....no you didnt,so you have no idea how she was do you?....i knew how she was before you people even knew who she was...

Well she got re-elected, so the people of California must have been happy with the job she did.
Well she got re-elected, so the people of California must have been happy with the job she did.
if you were running and said you were a democrat in that state you would win....lol...they have some pretty bad politicians in that state....there is a reason so many have left...and there is a reason the quality of life has gone down over the last 40 years....
if you were running and said you were a democrat in that state you would win....lol...they have some pretty bad politicians in that state....there is a reason so many have left...and there is a reason the quality of life has gone down over the last 40 years....

Umm... there have been 3 Republican AG over the last 40 years.

Next excuse?
in California there was only one in that time........and that was last century.....try again fawn...

You said "40 years." That extended into the last century. But you're right, I am mistaken, it was 1, not 3 over the last 40 years. It was 3 of the last 9 who were Republican.
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You said "40 years." That extended into the last century. But you're right, I am mistaken, it was 1, not 3 over 49 years. It was 3 of the last 9 who were Republican.
back in the 60's and 70's and most of the early 80's California was pretty much 50/50 party wise and things ran real good...a little bit of both....in the 90's things started changing for the worse after the democrats started taking over the state.....and i dont mean moderate dems, more like the dems of today....their "good hearted" policies caused the quality of life to go down hill.....California should be an example of what one party rule can do to the quality of life in a state....
back in the 60's and 70's and most of the early 80's California was pretty much 50/50 party wise and things ran real good...a little bit of both....in the 90's things started changing for the worse after the democrats started taking over the state.....and i dont mean moderate dems, more like the dems of today....their "good hearted" policies caused the quality of life to go down hill.....California should be an example of what one party rule can do to the quality of life in a state....

Since the 90's, they've had a Republican Senator and 2 Republican governors.
There are a lot of factors you're not considering here, starting with the state of the Republican Party. Lara Trump closed all of the outreach offices, and fired all staff which refused to say the 2020 election wasn't stolen. They have nobody working on the ground, knocking on doors or getting out the vote.

Many of the State Parties in swing states have been bankrupted by endless court challenges to both the 2020 election and the 2022 elections - all of which they've lost. Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvannia, Nevada. They have no money for down ballot races, or staff.

This is the first election which will be decided by Gen X and Z. Boomers are no longer the majority of voters. People who have grown up with student debt, having mass shooter drills, and who are in their child bearing years. They NEED access to reproductive health care. Polling companies tend not to be calling them, because they're new voters.

20% of Republican voters voted for Nicki Haley in the primaries, months after she dropped out. They got in their cars, drove to the polling station, to vote for someone they knew wasn't running.

There were 8 million more women voters than men in 2022. That number is a LOT bigger now. MEN continue to under estimate how pissed those women truly are. And they are not voting for the Republicans who refuse to listen when they tell them they're KILLING women.
I believe the gender gap will be the largest factor in giving the Dems the win.
There are many Republican women who will not support Trump.
Since the 90's, they've had a Republican Senator and 2 Republican governors.
so?.....the last senator was late 80's to 91.....when i said things started changing....and arnold?....he was a joke....the best gov ever while campaigning....that ended after he was sworn in....otherwise its been all democrats...and not very good ones...
i lived there for 50 fucking years while she was doing her thing...and who the fuck cares what karl rove thinks....and you dont have to hang with them to know how they are you can see what they do while in office, you cant be that stupid to think that....and i can give a flying fuck about trump...and you only think you know whats happening by the bullshit that you are told......you dont know shit about California while she was AG .....

Yeah she did such a bad job that the crime rate went down and her program was adopted in multiple states across the nation. Not only was she re-elected as SF DA, and then elected as AG, she was then elected to the Senate.

You have given a single reason for not liking her other than she's "untrustworthy". Trump is the least "trustworthy" candidate in history - a criminal felon who has been found guilty of fraud on a massive scale, and who cheated virtually everyone he's ever done business with.

Banks won't lend to him. The State of New York has been after him for decades, and he's been involved in over 4000 law suits. He brags about making money by bankkrupting companies.

So pardon me if I think you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to Kamala Harris.
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Yeah she did such a bad job that the crime rate went down and her program was adopted in multiple states across the nation. Not only was she re-elected as SF DA, and then elected as AG, she was then elected to the Senate.
You don't know shit and you don't have the sense God gave a goose.
YOU are the mindless robotic cheerleader that WE LAUGH AT.
Pardon me if I think you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
back in the 60's and 70's and most of the early 80's California was pretty much 50/50 party wise and things ran real good...a little bit of both....in the 90's things started changing for the worse after the democrats started taking over the state.....and i dont mean moderate dems, more like the dems of today....their "good hearted" policies caused the quality of life to go down hill.....California should be an example of what one party rule can do to the quality of life in a state....

So what you're saying is that things ran well under the Democrat's New Deal and Great Society tax and labour policies. All of that changed in the mid-80's when Ronald Reagans tax and labour policies, and union busting, started transferring all of the wealth and income from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

California is an example of what happens when the nation's tax and labour policies reward the wealthy and punishes workers. Every Republican tax cut destablized the economy and resulted in another economic crash, which acclerated the transfer of wealth to the top.

In 1981, when Reagan was elected, the working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Today that percentage is 0%, and workers are dependant on food stamps, and earned income credits, to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Now your middle class is being endangered by a Party which has raised the federal minimum wage once in the past 40 years.

California is the result of Milton Friedman's "capitalism on steriods" fiscal policies, which were inflicted on South America in the 1970's. The only reason you're not Venezuela is because Reagan refused to cancel all social programs and government regulation of wages.
Yup. As I said, your cult leaders disenfranchised your vote. No whining when this gets thrown back in your face when you are whining about disenfranchising voters.

You keep repeating that lie as if it has any validity whatsoever. Nobody ran against Biden-Harris, they won every primary, and nobody ran against Harris, when Biden dropped out. Harris obtained the support of all of the delegates who were pledged to her and Joe, and the delegates joyfully nominated her.

Trump voter roll call for the RNC played like a hostage video.
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California is the result of Milton Friedman's "capitalism on steriods" fiscal policies, which were inflicted on South America in the 1970's. The only reason you're not Venezuela is because Reagan refused to cancel all social programs and government regulation of wages.
You don't know shit and you don't have the sense God gave a goose.
YOU are the mindless robotic cheerleader that WE LAUGH AT.
Pardon me if I think you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

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