If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war

You keep saying this like there is any validity in it.

We've posted the clips and the transcripts. People didn't notice Trump's decline so much when Trump wasn't doing rallies, and the right wing media harped on about Joe Biden being senile. And Trump saying weird crazy shit is nothing new.

But next to Kamala, who talks in complete sentences, and has a message full of positivity and great hope for the future, isn't taking about stolen elections, and shows that she understands the problems today's families face.

Trump talks about himself and how terrible things are in America.

Yup. As I said, your cult leaders disenfranchised your vote. No whining when this gets thrown back in your face when you are whining about disenfranchising voters.

False. Biden dropped out. Just like RFK Jr. dropped out.
you vote them out of office, not keep voting for the same person just because they belong to your useless party...pretty soon you might get one who actually thinks of the country...

The American people never voted in favour Trump. The electoral college elected Trump. When the people voted him out of office he refused to go, and he's refusing to say he'll leave peacefully if he looses this election.
yea im like that because i lived in cal when she was AG,,,,she cant be trusted.....

Yeah right. Funny, but no one else is even suggesting she's not trustworthy. And she was elected Senator, even thought Karl Rove spent a ton of money trying to "stop her here and now". Ya think the Republicans might have been lying about that, Harry?

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