If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war

That’s not going to happen.

If he’s defeated, Trump will again try to overturn the will of the voters, as he did in 2020 – likely with violence.

And we can’t be sure Trump is not going to win – there’s a great deal of fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, misogyny, and hate in support of Trump.

There are a lot of factors you're not considering here, starting with the state of the Republican Party. Lara Trump closed all of the outreach offices, and fired all staff which refused to say the 2020 election wasn't stolen. They have nobody working on the ground, knocking on doors or getting out the vote.

Many of the State Parties in swing states have been bankrupted by endless court challenges to both the 2020 election and the 2022 elections - all of which they've lost. Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvannia, Nevada. They have no money for down ballot races, or staff.

This is the first election which will be decided by Gen X and Z. Boomers are no longer the majority of voters. People who have grown up with student debt, having mass shooter drills, and who are in their child bearing years. They NEED access to reproductive health care. Polling companies tend not to be calling them, because they're new voters.

20% of Republican voters voted for Nicki Haley in the primaries, months after she dropped out. They got in their cars, drove to the polling station, to vote for someone they knew wasn't running.

There were 8 million more women voters than men in 2022. That number is a LOT bigger now. MEN continue to under estimate how pissed those women truly are. And they are not voting for the Republicans who refuse to listen when they tell them they're KILLING women.
Conservatives can read the tea leaves and are starting to consider what the Republican Party will look like after a Trump loss. Conservative writer and Bush campaign creative team director is predicting a Republican Civil War if Trump loses.

1. Does Trump go quietly if he loses?

2. Who can pull the Republican Party back together after it has been defined as a party of personality?

If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war

To have one family in complete control of a major national political party is an aberration in our country. Daughter-in-law Lara Trump, installed as co-chair of the Republican National Committee in March, naively spoke the truth in February when she said of its fundraising, “Every single penny will go to the number one and the only job of the RNC — that is electing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States…”

That aside, a Trump loss inevitably means an internal civil war within the Republican Party. I believe a “war” is inevitable between the all-powerful Trump forces and those who want to move on from the Trump era and win the White House in 2028 without any Trump family members on the ticket.

Like all civil wars, this one could be brutal, because the GOP opposition forces see in Trumpism a political dead-end with a shrinking voter base. Today, identifying as a Republican is not about conservative governing principles but automatic loyalty to Trump, with his MAGA troops in control of the party machinery from top to bottom.

So who would it be? Some names are familiar and obvious: Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who each look in the mirror and see a future president. Add a new name with popular Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R), who has had a contentious history with Trump — haven’t they all, though? That experience will embolden these leaders to forge a new path for the party, maybe led by one of them, or else a new leader will emerge.
The only way you get my gun group is pulling it from your cold dead hand group , when confronted will shit in their pants, piss all over themselves, cry like a baby as they throw their guns away. Whimpering like a puppy. Right before the tank rolls over them and you can year the Crunch of victory for democracy and they future of this country, Simply just one less traitor.
Okay kid whatever you say....

Not what I say. It's what all 50 states said. What every audit said. What every count said. What every recount said. What every investigation said. What the Republican-led Department of Justice said. What Trump's own personal advisor said. What every lawsuit said.
The only way you get my gun group is pulling it from your cold dead hand group , when confronted will shit in their pants, piss all over themselves, cry like a baby as they throw their guns away. Whimpering like a puppy. Right before the tank rolls over them and you can year the Crunch of victory for democracy and they future of this country, Simply just one less traitor.

Nobody is coming for your guns you whimpering toddler.
When Trump loses Lara Trump and all the nattering nabobs will be out on their ass.

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