Kamala Harris: "He [Musk] has lost his privileges."

I thought the recent BDS was bad, but the KDS is much worse.

Don't stroke out just because your party told you to piss yourselves, Trump cult losers.

I'm guessing it's worse because Trump cult losers take special joy in attacking women.
It’s hilarious watching you tools try to use TDS as your own. It’s like you’re primed and actually need speech restrictions due to your own unoriginal thinking.

We take special joy in attacking any of your 900 genders when they’re retarded.
The 1st amendment doesn't cover private entities. I believe if someone says some crazy shit in a joint, if I deem your 'speech' is garbage, and I own the joint, bye, Felicia. :dunno:
Then leave X. The road goes both ways you ignorant prick. If you’re too fucking soft to hear opposition view points then it’s a you problem, not the platforms.
If it talks like a Marxist, votes like a Marxist, it is a Marxist.

Kamala is a Marxist. Musk has 'lost his privileges' is such Marxist a thing to say.

Kamala Harris: "He [Musk] has lost his privileges."
Can someone please explain to her that freedom of speech is a RIGHT, not a "privilege"?
Kamala Harris: "There has to be a responsibility placed on these social media sites to understand their power."
Translation: "If they don't police content to conform to government-approved narratives, they will be shut down."

How many younger voters are actually looking for more restrictions on internet access? Is that a high priority for them? I doubt that.
If it talks like a Marxist, votes like a Marxist, it is a Marxist.

Kamala is a Marxist. Musk has 'lost his privileges' is such Marxist a thing to say.

Kamala Harris: "He [Musk] has lost his privileges."
Can someone please explain to her that freedom of speech is a RIGHT, not a "privilege"?
Kamala Harris: "There has to be a responsibility placed on these social media sites to understand their power."
Translation: "If they don't police content to conform to government-approved narratives, they will be shut down."

Marxists saying Marxist shit. Harris can go butt a rubber stump.
If it talks like a Marxist, votes like a Marxist, it is a Marxist.

Kamala is a Marxist. Musk has 'lost his privileges' is such Marxist a thing to say.

Kamala Harris: "He [Musk] has lost his privileges."
Can someone please explain to her that freedom of speech is a RIGHT, not a "privilege"?
Kamala Harris: "There has to be a responsibility placed on these social media sites to understand their power."
Translation: "If they don't police content to conform to government-approved narratives, they will be shut down."
Interesting. This is the same kind of shit Trump was threatening Twitter with back in the day.

"It's different when we do it."

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