Kamala Harris: "He [Musk] has lost his privileges."

I'm not the one bitching, twink. :auiqs.jpg: You engaged me. I'm just saying I'd silence all viewpoints I deem extremist all day, everyday. :dunno:
So you’re on here crying over a platform you aren’t on but want to control. Because anything you don’t agree with is extremist.

You’re the reason for the first amendment. And you’re doing your best to find out why there’s a second one.
So you’re on here crying over a platform you aren’t on but want to control. Because anything you don’t agree with is extremist.

You’re the reason for the first amendment. And you’re doing your best to find out why there’s a second one.
Because you're going to shoot me because I fundamentally disagree with the way you translate the constitution? :auiqs.jpg: Awesome. It's always a good day when I can legally use my 2nd amendment right as well. :113:
Because you're going to shoot me because I fundamentally disagree with the way you translate the constitution? :auiqs.jpg: Awesome. It's always a good day when I can legally use my 2nd amendment right as well. :113:
If you’re the one taking away the first, why wouldn’t I use the second? That’s what it was designed for.
If it talks like a Marxist, votes like a Marxist, it is a Marxist.

Kamala is a Marxist. Musk has 'lost his privileges' is such Marxist a thing to say.

Kamala Harris: "He [Musk] has lost his privileges."
Can someone please explain to her that freedom of speech is a RIGHT, not a "privilege"?
Kamala Harris: "There has to be a responsibility placed on these social media sites to understand their power."
Translation: "If they don't police content to conform to government-approved narratives, they will be shut down."

Wannabe dictator!
I thought the recent BDS was bad, but the KDS is much worse.

Don't stroke out just because your party told you to piss yourselves, Trump cult losers.

I'm guessing it's worse because Trump cult losers take special joy in attacking women.
poor, pathetic troll.
Pretty sure the US Constitution covers everyone, Dipshit.
Not in my joint, but It'll cover you at, say the Capitol, tho. :113:

You don't understand the difference. You're a fucking magaturd. :dunno: I don't tolerate your willingness to CULT. :rolleyes:

You don't tolerate anybody that disagrees.

That's pretty much where we're at. :dunno:
Talking to the voices in your head doesn’t constitute a conversation, Looneytoons.
How are you calling me out, you fucking twink? Get it over with. :rolleyes:

And how would you like me to verbally destroy your stupid predilection about me?

Figure it out, let me know. :rolleyes:

I'm here for you
. Dipshit. :rolleyes:
My kids may be proud of me, but I don't really give any fucks about that. :dunno:

You don't give any fucks about much. Except Trump. Every post drips of Trump.

I'm proud of my kids. They are my life. And they are winning. Because I raised them to be.

So, I'm good, thanks. :spinner:

You seem angry. Most of us are realists, we know who and what Trump is. You don't seem to understand the basics of human nature. If you did, you wouldn't be obsessed with an outlier.
You don't give any fucks about much. Except Trump. Every post drips of Trump.

You seem angry. Most of us are realists, we know who and what Trump is. You don't seem to understand the basics of human nature. If you did, you wouldn't be obsessed with an outlier.
I'm a realist too. This second term of an orange bag O' shit? Best of luck with it. :itsok:

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