Zone1 Who is not a citizen of the US in this forum?

posting some of the stuff you post will bar you from entry into the US if the right government agency sees it.
Why? Which stuff? Also Im not a Anti-Semite, Im a Jewishphile actually and Israelphile. I like Israel and Jews. Im saying this about this one guy, and its true he calls me antisemite because he is the racist and dislikes me dont you see what he posts about muslims and roma? Im not saying this about every jew.
I even "learned" Hebrew for a semester, and im on the subscribers email list of many jewish organisations

This is what i received today:

Biblical Word for You!​
Meaning of Kavanah
"Prayer without kavanah is like a body without a soul."​

What It Means:

"Kavanah" is a Hebrew term meaning focused intention or mindfulness, especially in performing religious acts like prayer. It's about directing your heart and mind toward a spiritual goal.

Why It Matters:

Kavanah is essential in Jewish tradition because it turns routine actions into meaningful spiritual practices. When you pray with kavanah, it's not just about saying words; it's about being fully present and connected to the divine. It’s like turning up the volume on your spiritual awareness.

Fun Fact:

In the Shema prayer, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord is one" (Deuteronomy 6:4), kavanah is key. The prayer is recited daily, but with true kavanah, each time can feel as profound as the first. It’s like reading a familiar love letter, but every word still stirs your heart.

What About You?
Can you recall a moment when you approached something with full kavanah? Or maybe a time when you felt the difference between going through the motions and being truly engaged?
Did you know?
We offer a course dedicated to understanding the depth of Jewish prayer. "A Journey Through Jewish Prayer I: Amidah" dives into the significance and power of prayer in the Jewish tradition and its connection to the Lord's Prayer and the teachings of the Apostles.
Learn more details here:​
A Journey Through Jewish Prayer I: Amidah
Kind regards,
Israel Bible Center Team​
From the former greatest most vibrant creative city on the planet ...

Now it's just a bland homogenized dump ...full of left wing fags who live for a CVS and target on every block
Why? Which stuff? Also Im not a Anti-Semite, Im a Jewishphile actually and Israelphile. I like Israel and Jews. Im saying this about this one guy, and its true he calls me antisemite because he is the racist and dislikes me dont you see what he posts about muslims and roma? Im not saying this about every jew.
you have posted stuff about liking Nazis and other things like that,
Say for example you want to talk about education policy.

"Oh, this is what I think" you say.
Then the other person says "you're not American, you can't talk about this, it doesn't matter to you".

You'll get that a lot. The welsh guy on here gets it all the time.

So do I. I've been here for 12 years. The right wing posters live in an alternate reality, where they've been lied to for decades, both by their media, but also by their religious leaders. If you tell them the truth and burst their bubble, they will attack and viciously.
You are not the only one.

You are an honest one, though, which makes you fairly rare among those who do not live here.

My location is posted under my Avatar.

The only posters hiding their location are all of these ESL people posting Russian and Chinese anti-government propaganda that Trump is pushing to undermine democratic institutions. None of them has ever said a bad word about Putin. All claim to be Americans living in the US.
My location is posted under my Avatar.

The only posters hiding their location are all of these ESL people posting Russian and Chinese anti-government propaganda that Trump is pushing to undermine democratic institutions. None of them has ever said a bad word about Putin. All claim to be Americans living in the US.
Yes, you are one of the dishonest ones.

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