Trump claims Arlington incident never happened. Says Harris just made it up.

They aren't the ones who enforce the rules, the people supposedly enforcing the rules haven't made a Statement beyond "Orange Man Bad"
The one who enforced the rules were shoved aside by Trump’s campaign staff when they tried to enforce the rules.
I've already linked a photograph of Obama walking through Section 60 in September of 2012 when he was running for re-election.

That photo was taken at a September 11th memorial service on September 10, 2012. All of the photos of the Obamas at Arlington were taken during Memorial Events, including 9/11 - WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.

President and Mrs. Obama greet families at Arlington on Memorial Day. While he was President.

He wasn't going to Arlington and saying "Bush killed all your loved ones". AND HE WAS THE PRESIDENT.
The statement came from the US army public affairs office, where you'd expect it.

The statement also said the employee was pushed, which Trump's campaign has denied. Not that you care.

I think Congress should open an investigation. After all, this is their jurisdiction.

I find this to be the most enlightening statement from the article:
Arlington Cemetery staff dealt directly with Mast’s chief of staff, James Langenderfer, briefing him extensively on the rules, which include no campaign events at the cemetery. They also reiterated that only an official Arlington National Cemetery photographer — and no campaign photographer — could be used at Section 60, the location of the recent American war dead. The source said Langenderfer told them the Trump campaign agreed to these rules.
I don;t see anything from the Army. I see something from NPR
I don;t see anything from the Army. I see something from NPR

The letter from the Army came out after the NPR piece, when Trump Humpers started this bullshit line "Why didn't she file charges, if she was assaulted".

And like so many people today, she didn't want to be attacked, or threatened by Cult Members, and she didn't want anyone coming after her or endangering her family. So the Army put out that letter to explain their position.

And Trump got days of media coverage out of this but I don't think it's going the way he thought it would.

Trump’s cultists have made turned than a few innocent American’s lives into living hells when someone has dared speak against them, even if they’re 100% factual.

Not that you care. It’s part of the plan.
Again, if this soldier is afraid of being called bad names, she has no business being in the army.
Death threats are a lot more serious than being called bad names.
lol Your anonymous solder has claimed she's afraid of death threats?

No she hasn't. You're just pulling hatefilled shit out of fevered mind in service of your political masters. Why? Because the deaths of these soldiers is on your candidates shoulders and the disrespectful shitty way these Gold Star families has been treated by her administration is embarrassing.
That photo was taken at a September 11th memorial service on September 10, 2012. All of the photos of the Obamas at Arlington were taken during Memorial Events, including 9/11 - WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.

President and Mrs. Obama greet families at Arlington on Memorial Day. While he was President.

He wasn't going to Arlington and saying "Bush killed all your loved ones". AND HE WAS THE PRESIDENT.

While he was campaigning for his 2nd term.

They were trying to enforce the rules about campaign activity at the cemetery.

The person had no way to know any photographs would be used as campaign material.

According to Trump the photographer was authorized to be onsite.
Figure it out before you start acting like this photo has anything to do with Trump’s campaign staff taking photos at the cemetery.

Staff is Staff. The person in question had no way of knowing who the photographer belonged to.

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