Georgia school on lockdown amid reports of an 'active shooter'

Raggedy Annie already calling for more gun control.

Yeah, strange how the gun control conversation flares up whenever children get new holes out into them by guns.

Must be a commie plot!
Strange how gun control amounts to confiscation via mandatory buy back by the government which leftists flail their pom poms for. The same leftists calling to defund the police.
Strange how gun control amounts to confiscation via mandatory buy back by the government which leftists flail their pom poms for. The same leftists calling to defund the police.
No it doesn't. There are lots of gun control ideas out there. Looks like you have quite a bit of reading to do, before commenting again.
No it doesn't. There are lots of gun control ideas out there. Looks like you have quite a bit of reading to do, before commenting again.
Yes it does. Harris has spoken of such a scheme. Looks like you need to do more than just spam threads with your nonsensical babbling.
How did you ascertain his nationality?
The shooter is Hispanic. Did you not read his name?

The Hispanics that work in farm country are incredibly good, decent people who wouldn't do this sort of thing.

My guess is he's a cartel asshole who got pissed that the animals were damaging his illegal growing operations.
So point at parents and tell them to do better?

I don't think that's going to help.
Arrest them
They are legally obligated to their minor
A murderer resides under their roof and as usual they will claim
1. Had no idea

Or the all too newly present messing with drugs or surgeries to try and “change” their sex.

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