Andrew Cuomo will testify on September 10th about his brutal, cruel nursing home directives during Covid

Nursing homes were not "fitted out" for covid

Navy hospital ships were, they all are designed to contain biological pathogens soldiers could become contaminated with if they are exposed to biological weapons. Just like your article stated!!!!

Lesh is anotner low IQ democrat not reading thier link
I posted a link stating that the ship in question was NOT fitted out for Covid and had to be retrofitted to accommodate them.

Nursing homes were supposed to be able to isolate Covid patients or not take them back.

There may have been pressure to do otherwise. If so then Cuomo needs to answer for that
I posted a link stating that the ship in question was NOT fitted out for Covid and had to be retrofitted to accommodate them.

Nursing homes were supposed to be able to isolate Covid patients or not take them back.

There may have been pressure to do otherwise. If so then Cuomo needs to answer for that
And then the link said it had everything it needed

Biological warfare is treated on the ship, says so in the article
And then the link said it had everything it needed

Biological warfare is treated on the ship, says so in the article
Read the fucking link jackass (sigh).

They were initially not fitted out for Covid and subsequently DID RETROFIT for that purpose
All Crisis Actors, right bedwetter?
Bedwetter ? Are you saying or rather are you running the old we're scared of needles bullshit ...that's were scared of a bug with a 98%survival rate were a frightened sissy fag ..they scared you into taking trumps miracle vaxxxxxx:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:you followed the science

No one regrets not taking it
Although I do some days after I died during the winter of misery and death ..A really sharp guy said those same exact words ..

You don't know how they fudged the death numbers ?of course you don't cuz you're ignorant, uneducated ,and low IQ.

You should go find out for yourself ...cause you'll automatically dismiss whatever I say or you'll demand sources from the same credentialed trusted experts who fucking lied to you in the first place ....

The lefties didn't name you a useful idiot for nothing ....silly hick rube.
They attacked Trump's attempt to slow the spread with his travel bans.
Called them xenophobic.
Then they told people to gather in huge crowds.
They were "playing it down"
Nonsense. Trump’s “bans” were anything BUT and were based on skin color and politics

He “banned” Chinese people and then allowed FORTY THOUSAND. People to come home with zero quarantine or tracking

He had ZERO ban from Europe (white folks doncha know) where the virus was RAGING
Read the fucking link jackass (sigh).

They were initially not fitted out for Covid and subsequently DID RETROFIT for that purpose
A ship fitted for to treat biological agents is fitted for covid. There is zero difference in the equipment.

You have no idea that the article does state this. You are not a veteran so you have no idea.

I was trained in 1981 to protect myself from covid
Nonsense. Trump’s “bans” were anything BUT and were based on skin color and politics

He “banned” Chinese people and then allowed FORTY THOUSAND. People to come home with zero quarantine or tracking

He had ZERO ban from Europe (white folks doncha know) where the virus was RAGING

Trump tried to slow the spread, Pelosi and Schumer attacked him.
Then they recommended people gather in large crowds.
How many deaths did Chuck and Nancy cause?
Trump tried to slow the spread, Pelosi and Schumer attacked him.
Then they recommended people gather in large crowds.
How many deaths did Chuck and Nancy cause?
Trump did very little to slow the spread.

In fact he actively was against testing… which is the best method to do that
A ship fitted for to treat biological agents is fitted for covid. There is zero difference in the equipment.

You have no idea that the article does state this. You are not a veteran so you have no idea.

I was trained in 1981 to protect myself from covid
The link posted very specifically said that they were NOT outfitted to deal with Covid when they arrived on NYC
Nursing homes were not "fitted out" for covid

Navy hospital ships were, they all are designed to contain biological pathogens soldiers could become contaminated with if they are exposed to biological weapons. Just like your article stated!!!!

Lesh is anotner low IQ democrat not reading thier link
Paragraph 19

Read the whole thing nitwit

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