Israel Rescues Another Hostage

The facts are well known. Or feel free to present new ones if you believe otherwise.
Yes, they are. You don’t seem to have a grasp of them or you would not have presented and then doubled down on a false dichotomy: you are either stupid or for Hamas.
Why are Palestinian areas cesspits and Jewish areas are not? Hamas has enough money and materials to fix those places up, but they choose to spend it on tunnels and explosives instead.
Because Jews keep stealing non-Jew land and evicting non-Jews from their homes and demolishing their homes and stealing their farmland and making them homeless refugees, that might just have something to do with all this. The vast majority of people in Gaza are refugees or descendants of refugees from 1948.
After the Israelis wipe out HAMAS, which they’re close to doing, they can then begin the long path to moving in to GAZA, establishing schools, building homes, and bringing the modern world to the region the Palestinians kept locked into the 16th century.

The first step of course will be to build a military installation. The Palestinians who remain are likely tied to HAMAS via relatives and/or hate Jews and want Israel wiped off the map. So Israel’s first focus will be on making sure the Arabs don’t re-establish another terrorist group.

Gazans elected and allowed HAMAS to remain in power because they believed in HAMAS. Now they are paying the price for that, but ultimately, their children will reside in Gaza, Israel - and will have better lives.
Take over Gaza and create an Apartheid system…is that what you propose if can’t expel them?

Just as an fyi, the election that brought Hamas to power was more about being fed up with corruption and kitchen table issues than about Hamas’ world view and aspirations. They haven’t had an election since.
After the Israelis wipe out HAMAS, which they’re close to doing, they can then begin the long path to moving in to GAZA, establishing schools, building homes, and bringing the modern world to the region the Palestinians kept locked into the 16th century.

The first step of course will be to build a military installation. The Palestinians who remain are likely tied to HAMAS via relatives and/or hate Jews and want Israel wiped off the map. So Israel’s first focus will be on making sure the Arabs don’t re-establish another terrorist group.

Gazans elected and allowed HAMAS to remain in power because they believed in HAMAS. Now they are paying the price for that, but ultimately, their children will reside in Gaza, Israel - and will have better lives.
Another perverse and hateful post that distorts reality, from our resident ultrasemite.
Take over Gaza and create an Apartheid system…is that what you propose if can’t expel them?

Just as an fyi, the election that brought Hamas to power was more about being fed up with corruption and kitchen table issues than about Hamas’ world view and aspirations. They haven’t had an election since.
How is that an apartheid system? They’d be better off.

There is no other option. These Palestinians hate Jews and want them dead. Just how much leeway should Israel give to allow them to reformulate HAMAS and commit another Oct 7th?

Nope. The only options are:

1) Israelis have to move back into Gaza and take over. We see what Palestinians do when they are left to their own devises - elect and keep Islamic terrorists in power.

2) Egypt takes them, or another Arab country.
For Palestinians it is a cesspit, restricted water, limited housing options etc. Note how these illegal Jewish settlements are solely for occupancy by Jews. Yes that kind of racist apartheid society needs to be wiped off the map as we did with the Third Reich.

Um. You DO realize that ALL of Gaza and ALL of the Arab-controlled West Bank is deliberately and legally Jew-free, yes?
For promoting and enabling illegal settlement building, you said the law should be applied to Jewish terrorism, well ethnic cleansing, evictions and enforced home demolitions are terrorism.
So, to be clear you want him to be arrested for the "crime" (cough) of suggesting that Jews live in territory legally under Israeli control and sovereignty.

And no evictions and home demolitions are not terrorism.
Take over Gaza and create an Apartheid system…is that what you propose if can’t expel them?
Perhaps I missed something, but could you clarify why you assume an "apartheid" system in this scenario? I mean, I essentially suggested the same and you declared you could get on board with it. What was different in what I said?
Just as the Israelis have thwarted an independent probe into the claims of rape by Hamas, no doubt they'll thwart this probe too:


The Zionist regime lies, all the time it lies, it lied about baby's being beheaded, it lied about rape and it no doubt is lying about the hostages being killed by Hamas.

I'd be reticent to say these things but for the fact the Israelis are and do thwart independent verification, if any other state was acting like this they'd be bombed like Iraq was.


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Perhaps I missed something, but could you clarify why you assume an "apartheid" system in this scenario? I mean, I essentially suggested the same and you declared you could get on board with it. What was different in what I said?

This is so easy to find, do you not know how to use a search engine?

If you need more just ask.
This is so easy to find, do you not know how to use a search engine?

If you need more just ask.

Sigh. My question to Coyote was why she, specifically, interpreted two fairly similar claims in two different ways. I have no need of an "education" (cough) from you.
Complete BS. They’ve been working relentlessly on it. The one who hasn’t? Netanyahu.

How many hostages has PM Netanyahu already rescued?

Let's just not pretend that you care much as showing
no cynicism is below your gaslighting about him
and the IDF soldiers.
Sigh. My question to Coyote was why she, specifically, interpreted two fairly similar claims in two different ways. I have no need of an "education" (cough) from you.
Yes I know you were replying to her, I'm speaking to you, Israel is an apartheid state, a racist state, a Jew supremacists state, admit that and we might have some chance of communicating here, but if you do as the Nazis did, just deny wrongdoing, blaming others for the policies of home demolitions, road blocks, illegal settlement building, incarceration without charge, children put on trial in secret military courts and never ending brutality even RAPE by male Jews of Palestinian Jews, then we are going to remain pretty far apart on this subject.
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Yes I know you were replying to her, I'm speaking to you, Israel is an apartheid state, a racist state, a Jew supremacists state, admit that and we might have some chance of communicating here, but if you do as the Nazis did, just deny wrongdoing, blaming others for the policies of home demolitions, road blocks, illegal settlement building, incarceration without charge, children put on trial in secret military courts and never ending brutality even RAPE by male Jews of Palestinian Jews, then we are going to remain pretty far apart on this subject.

I do not reject wrong-doing where there is wrong-doing. I discuss where there are facts and evidence to discuss. I absolutely reject your evil-implicating labels.

I vehemently condemn rape in every instance.

Home demolitions, road checkpoints, building regulations and enforcement, administrative detention, legal proceedings for minors are all complex subjects for discussion.

Apartheid, racist and Jew supremacist are all accusations designed to paint Israel as inherently evil.
Apartheid, racist and Jew supremacist are all accusations designed to paint Israel as inherently evil.
Listen to yourself, when I read your words I draw the same conclusions that I would have drawn if hearing Himmler saying:

Segregated, antisemitic and Aryan supremacist are all accusations designed to paint Germany as inherently evil.

You're so far gone man, so far gone, this is bad, that so many people have embraced evil as good, it beggars belief but it's the truth, the sad truth.
Listen to yourself, when I read your words I draw the same conclusions that I would have drawn if hearing Himmler saying:

You're so far gone man, so far gone, this is bad, that so many people have embraced evil as good, it beggars belief but it's the truth, the sad truth.

Says desparate Mahmoud trying to shift the subject,

back to accusing Jews of "apartheid" for not submitting
to exclusive Arab domination over the entire Middle East and Africa...

Says desparate Mahmoud trying to shift the subject,

back to accusing Jews of "apartheid" for not submitting
to exclusive Arab domination over the entire Middle East and Africa...

Interesting how they completely ignore that multiple Arab countries drove close to 1 million Jews out of their homes, stealing their properties, rendering the Middle East 99.5% Judenfrei.
Listen to yourself, when I read your words I draw the same conclusions that I would have drawn if hearing Himmler saying:

You're so far gone man, so far gone, this is bad, that so many people have embraced evil as good, it beggars belief but it's the truth, the sad truth.
HIMMLER! Nazi! Third Reich!

All these terms in relation to Israel or her supporters meet the definition of antisemitism.
HIMMLER! Nazi! Third Reich!

All these terms in relation to Israel or her supporters meet the definition of antisemitism.
And you're spoiled brat sense of entitlement to dictate what others can and can't say about some third world throwback country that's starting to implode, meets the definition of ultrasemitism.

My ancestors fought the fuckin Nazis, you battleaxe, so you don't get to tell me when I can speak of them or the context in which I choose to do so.

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