Israel Rescues Another Hostage

Here's more on how committed Israel is to putting a stop to settlement building:

Smotrich recorded describing ā€˜mega-dramaticā€™ plan for civilian control over West Bank

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich was recently recorded telling settler supporters that the government is engaged in a clandestine effort to change the way Israel governs the West Bank, according to a report Friday that cited a recording of the far-right Religious Zionist party leader.

The New York Times said the recording was from an event held earlier in the month at which Smotrich, who is also a minister in the Defense Ministry, told supporters that the goal was to prevent the West Bank from becoming part of a Palestinian state.

ā€œIā€™m telling you, itā€™s mega-dramatic,ā€ Smotrich was quoted as saying. ā€œSuch changes change a systemā€™s DNA.ā€

ā€œIt will be easier to swallow in the international and legal context,ā€ he continued. ā€œSo that they wonā€™t say that we are doing annexation here.ā€

So, why has nobody arrested this man Shusha ???
That is so ridiculously simplistic it isnā€™t worth an answer. Look at all tbe countries where a handful of people have been able to control a larger population through terror, secret police, disappearences, torture. History is full of examp,es.
Simplistic? Murdering defenseless hostages is as simple as you can get.

Why do you ignore the fact that your precious 'civilians' do nothing to stop ham-ass?

They easily could if they wanted.

So it looks like your "complex" situation is nothing more than smoke and mirrors to defend ham-ass violence.

Now you know why we accuse you of supporting ham-ass.

Because YOU do.
There already is as much of a regional war against Israel as we are going to see.
Maybe. I'm not sure officials in the US and Israel share your confidence.

How many deaths is too many?
You forgot the families who only buried parts of their loved ones, because they couldn't find the rest. And the families who live near the border where Hamas has sworn to continue its fight.

Have we asked Hamas how many Palestinian human shield deaths are too many? What do you think their numbers would be?
Then you must have magical.powers. Please share them.

In terms of actual reality on the ground, I see Gazan streets overflowing with Palestinians cheering dead female hostages' bodies in pickup trucks.

So I am curious how you plan to draw this line.

Iā€™m curious how you see all this? Have you been to Gaza? Again, Hamas is not the entirety of the Palestinian people. However conflating them into o e convenient subhuman category does make it easier to justify killing them doesnā€™t it?

Just ask them?

Wait, we tried that. The majority of them supported and elected Hamas.

When? What election? Why did they vote Hamas in? Did they continue to support Hamas in subsequent elections?

So... how?
Simplistic? Murdering defenseless hostages is as simple as you can get.

Why do you ignore the fact that your precious 'civilians' do nothing to stop ham-ass?

They easily could if they wanted.

So it looks like your "complex" situation is nothing more than smoke and mirrors to defend ham-ass violence.

Now you know why we accuse you of supporting ham-ass.

Because YOU do.
Paragraph 2 was what was simplistic.
Paragraph 2 was what was simplistic.
What rant? Unlike countries run by fascists, who's populations have been disarmed completely, Gaza is awash in weaponry.

Thus, the only way that ham-ass can do what they do is with the ACTIVE participation of your so called 'civilians'.
Maybe. I'm not sure officials in the US and Israel share your confidence.

If they didnā€™t they wouldnā€™t be working so hard on it.

You forgot the families who only buried parts of their loved ones, because they couldn't find the rest. And the families who live near the border where Hamas has sworn to continue its fight.
No I I didnā€™t forget anything. You realize that includes people in Gaza too? Unable to identify blown up bodies, bodies burned beyonf recognition, etc. Did you include them?

Have we asked Hamas how many Palestinian human shield deaths are too many? What do you think their numbers would be?
They donā€™t care, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s obvious.
Only by merely existing.
That's not what the reports indicate at all, there is a desire to avoid a ceasefire and that's what obstacle means no matter the contrived reason some might give.
Maybe you're not familiar with the Muslim death cult.
My mistake, I always thought it was a German death cult actually, starting with Wilhelm Marr in the 1840s and culminating in Adolf Hitler in the 1940s.
If the death cult lays down it's weapons, there will be peace.
Peace so long as millions are content to live in ghettos, to be joined by more refugees as more and more and more people are evicted from the West Bank. So long as the Palestinians stop making a fuss about this, there'll be peace.
If Israel lays down its weapons, there will be no more Israel.
Good, the sooner the cesspit is wiped off the map like we did with the Third Reich, the better.
What rant? Unlike countries run by fascists, who's populations have been disarmed completely, Gaza is awash in weaponry.

Thus, the only way that ham-ass can do what they do is with the ACTIVE participation of your so called 'civilians'.
Iā€™m sure you know best, keyboard warriors and all.
That's not what the reports indicate at all, there is a desire to avoid a ceasefire and that's what obstacle means no matter the contrived reason some might give.

My mistake, I always thought it was a German death cult actually, starting with Wilhelm Marr in the 1840s and culminating in Adolf Hitler in the 1940s.

Peace so long as millions are content to live in ghettos, to be joined by more refugees as more and more and more people are evicted from the West Bank. So long as the Palestinians stop making a fuss about this, there'll be peace.

Good, the sooner the cesspit is wiped off the map like we did with the Third Reich, the better.

I canā€™t believe you said that.
Iā€™m sure you know best, keyboard warriors and all.
I read lots of history. I never claimed to be a fighter. History shows us how to deal with violent extremists in your midst.

It also shows us how far those violent extremists can go with the help of the civilian population.

YOU choose to ignore that. I won't accuse you of stupidity.

I know you aren't, thus I am left with the only conclusion possible.

You support them.

I canā€™t believe you said that.
Yesā€¦..he just advocated for another Holocaust, and has previously referred to ā€œthe Jew supremacist state,ā€ and has spread lies about Jews committing a ā€œgenocide,ā€ and yet he LOVES to insist heā€™s not an antisemite.

Are we in agreement that he is an antisemite, especially given his last statement?

1) Yes 2) No
Usually when people repeat the mantra ā€œthere are no innocent civiliansā€ itā€™s a deliberate dehumanization tactic and a prelude to justifying atrocities. History is full of that.

So yes. I DO and WILL separate the Palestinians as an entire ethnic group from the actions of Hamas just as I do the actions of Israel which should not be conflated with all Jews.
Innocent civilians is a propaganda term. The law distinguishes between civilians and combatants, and all civilians are presumed innocent unless there is evidence to the contrary. That said, International Law defines exactly what the responsibilities of the attacking party are to protect the lives of civilians, and Israel has maintained a written record of how each decision that involved possible civilian casualties was made, and each decision was certifies by an IDF lawyer to be legal under International Humanitarian Law.

While one can certainly argue that the loss of civilian life in a was is tragic, calling it an atrocity is another propaganda term.
Innocent civilians is a propaganda term. The law distinguishes between civilians and combatants, and all civilians are presumed innocent unless there is evidence to the contrary. That said, International Law defines exactly what the responsibilities of the attacking party are to protect the lives of civilians, and Israel has maintained a written record of how each decision that involved possible civilian casualties was made, and each decision was certifies by an IDF lawyer to be legal under International Humanitarian Law.

While one can certainly argue that the loss of civilian life in a was is tragic, calling it an atrocity is another propaganda term.
Thank you.

There has been an unfair and incorrect attempt by those on the Left, primarily, to paint Israel and HAMAS as moral equivalents - even to the point of their referring to ā€œJewish terroristsā€ and accusing Israel of ā€œgenocide.ā€

There of course is no moral equivalence, and the attempt to frame this war as between two terrorist (or terrorist-type) entities is driven by hostility to Jews - and the refusal to admit that the Palestinians overwhemingly support HAMASā€™ actions and have been brainwashed since toddlerhood to want Jews and Israel wiped off the map.

That the blame for the situation is being placed on Netanyahu, rather than the leader of HAMAS (does anyone even know his name?), takes it one step further: not only are the people on the left trying to paint Israel and the HAMAS terrorists as equally culpable, but are actually blaming it more on the Jewish state.

The fact is that Israel, in the aftermath of an Islamic terrorist attack that was so inhumane that words cannot suffice, did not bomb the living daylights out of Gaza within a week speaks to the restraint and moral superiority of the nation. There are about 5 million Palestinians, and 50,000 dead - meaning that DESPITE the HAMAS cockroaches trying to get as many of their own people killed as possible, Israel has left 99% alive. (Some ā€œgenocide,ā€ huh?)

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