Kamala Harris first interview did not go well

Harris maintains her leads in both the national polling and the electoral college.

Independents you must win over and she cannot get it done. Like Vance says, you don't get a promotion after being a failure. Harris was the most unpopular VP ever because she is a giggling moron.

Venn diagrams, yellow school buses and cloud storage. Fake McDonald's employee. What kind of dipshit lies about that dumb crap?

Pajama boy Walz brings zero to the ticket. Minnesota was already voting for Comrade. Typical castrated anti toxic masculinity Democrat male waiting for Kamalas permission to speak.

Independents you must win over and she cannot get it done. Like Vance says, you don't get a promotion after being a failure. Harris was the most unpopular VP ever because she is a giggling moron.

Venn diagrams, yellow school buses and cloud storage. Fake McDonald's employee. What kind of dipshit lies about that dumb crap?

Pajama boy Walz brings zero to the ticket. Minnesota was already voting for Comrade. Typical castrated anti toxic masculinity Democrat male waiting for Kamalas permission to speak.
This crybabying won't help you.

Stating what the polling shows is a simple fact.

Your aversion to the facts is not my problem. And all of your baby tantrums won't help you.
You say the dumbest shit.

Tell us all about your hero's free and fair elections in Russia. Dumbass.
Tell me about the free and fair elections in the Land of the Free, you fucking moron.

You’ll believe whatever state run media tells you.
Tell me about the free and fair elections in the Land of the Free, you fucking moron.

You’ll believe whatever state run media tells you.
Haha, this drywall punching and crybabying won't help you.

Tell us all about putin's free and fair elections.

And, go.
Haha, this drywall punching and crybabying won't help you.

Tell us all about putin's free and fair elections.

And, go.
Do you not know Putin has very high approval rates in Russia?

Stop believing propaganda fool.

Hey I bet you think Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was entirely unprovoked and all Putin’s generals are dead and Putin is dying of a dreadful disease and Ukraine is winning and Russia has lost hundreds of thousands of men and it’s economy is tanking and the people are leaving.

Do you not know Putin has very high approval rates in Russia?
Not 88 and 90+%

Were you aware that Putin controls the media and kills journalists that report on matters that could affect those ratings?

I wonder if this is relevant?

Yeah sure. Stop believing state propaganda.

Shut off the teevee.
You truly are a fool or blind-by-choice

Evidence shows recent presidential elections most rigged in Russia’s modern history

and like these two links, there are hundred more.

You say shut off TV? I see, so you get your news how? You go to Russia and do surveys yourself? Or you just think you know.

Supposedly, there was a 2-term maximum limit for a president in Russia (just like here), but Putin has been president for 5 terms now. On this last term, he actually had their Constitution changed. I wonder how he did that? Did he just order it? Absolutely, he does whatever he wants. The people have no vote and if they complain, guess what?

Protests, poisoning and prison: The life and death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

Oh and by the way

Trump floats imprisoning his political opponents

Is Trump reading Putin's guidelines for ruling?


and here you personally are

This crybabying won't help you.

Stating what the polling shows is a simple fact.

Your aversion to the facts is not my problem. And all of your baby tantrums won't help you.
You have not learned anything from the 2016 polls that had "Were ready for Hillary" It was a forgone conclusion that she would win. The russians collusion stories never went away. Now, here we are again, only this time with a Democrat Dolt who isn't qualified to manage a Starbucks.Towing along a big doofus for VP.

I will give you this, you people sure are entertaining.

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