Kamala Harris first interview did not go well

Dumb Americans will vote for either Don or K. Two worthless lying fools.
Intelligent Americans know the next 4 years are about survival. We are faced with only one of two choices. 1) choosing Kamala we get Diabetes and 2) choosing Trump, we get pancreatic Cancer. We have no other choices, Diabetes or pancreatic Cancer..........choose one.
She's an idiot ...we all know it
Except the leftards
They believe anything they're told
and the Right is all about this:

Intelligent Americans know the next 4 years are about survival. We are faced with only one of two choices. 1) choosing Kamala we get Diabetes and 2) choosing Trump, we get pancreatic Cancer. We have no other choices, Diabetes or pancreatic Cancer..........choose one.
No. I don’t play that game. Voting for one of the two dumb fucks is giving your consent to a failed corrupt system.
I think?
an Airhead?
Reinforces my belief?

and you have the gall to criticize Harris when you are offering no tangible information and all you are doing is offering your opinion!

My gawd, why don't you just put up an OP saying you are not going to vote for her because you prefer Trump. At least you would be more believable than putting up a "she bombed" statement that is nothing but opinion. Personally, I thought the interview was as good as it "needed" to be. Meaning, an interview that would show her to be a sane person that has a desire to make this country better, without giving specifics on how she would do it.

Compared to this interview of Trump, where he ranted like a total narcissist that he is, he is the one that "bombed"

Hey, pardon me for having an opinion not approved by MSNBC, CNN, or the test of the lib media that has so successfully brainwashed you

I think for myself and its clear that Harris is not qualified to be president
No. I don’t play that game. Voting for one of the two dumb fucks is giving your consent to a failed corrupt system.
then don't comment on a political board and don't vote. Bottom line is that corrupt systems have always been the case and always be the case (such is politics). By the way, Trump was elected in 2016 because Hillary was not LIKED and he was a new face. Nonetheless, he had NO experience in government. He has shown so many failure in being a leader that he is a failure. Harris at least was a successful Attorney general (key word is "successful") and as such, should be given a chance because the other choice is a no choice.
Hey, pardon me for having an opinion not approved by MSNBC, CNN, or the test of the lib media that has so successfully brainwashed you

I think for myself and its clear that Harris is not qualified to be president
Then say so in the OP title. Do not say "She Bombed", say "I thought She Bombed".

As far as my being brainwashed, you are speculating and making an assumption. You could not be more wrong. Everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) I believe in and say has been based on my own upbringing, my own values, and my own guidelines and seeing with my own eyes what Trump has said and done. None of it has been being convinced by someone else.

I am by nature a highly moral, ethical, principled and humane person and I can certainly tell when a person is the opposite. I don't need to be told that by anyone.

You making that assumption certainly is proof of why you support Trump. You are the one brainwashed by a master con man who has made his life all about convincing suckers to do what he wants. I mean, this is the man that clearly stated "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and I would not lose a single vote". He certainly is right about that with you. This is a man that is now a convicted felon (by a jury of his peers) and YOU still support him. You are a total hypocrite calling someone else brainwashed, when it is clearly evident that you are the one brainwashed.
Then say so in the OP title. Do not say "She Bombed", say "I thought She Bombed".

As far as my being brainwashed, you are speculating and making an assumption. You could not be more wrong. Everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) I believe in and say has been based on my own upbringing, my own values, and my own guidelines and seeing with my own eyes what Trump has said and done. None of it has been being convinced by someone else.

I am by nature a highly moral, ethical, principled and humane person and I can certainly tell when a person is the opposite. I don't need to be told that by anyone.

You making that assumption certainly is proof of why you support Trump. You are the one brainwashed by a master con man who has made his life all about convincing suckers to do what he wants. I mean, this is the man that clearly stated "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and I would not lose a single vote". He certainly is right about that with you. This is a man that is now a convicted felon (by a jury of his peers) and YOU still support him. You are a total hypocrite calling someone else brainwashed, when it is clearly evident that you are the one brainwashed.
Those are your words not mine

But they would have fit if I had chosen to use them
then don't comment on a political board and don't vote. Bottom line is that corrupt systems have always been the case and always be the case (such is politics). By the way, Trump was elected in 2016 because Hillary was not LIKED and he was a new face. Nonetheless, he had NO experience in government. He has shown so many failure in being a leader that he is a failure. Harris at least was a successful Attorney general (key word is "successful") and as such, should be given a chance because the other choice is a no choice.
Lol. The old if you don’t vote, you have no right to criticize. Fuck that. Dumb argument, but the oligarchy loves you for it.

I’ll comment if I so chose. Are you one who opposes the First Amendment?
Those are your words not mine

But they would have fit if I had chosen to use them
No, you said (your words, not mine) "Hey, pardon me for having an opinion not approved by MSNBC, CNN, or the test of the lib media that has so successfully brainwashed you"

and now, even after I explained it to you, you say "But they would have fit if I had chosen to use them"

You are not a debater, you are a critic and a rabble rouser. All you want to do is stir shit up and NOTHING ELSE. Well, you certainly are losing in your intent as all you will get from me is "shit on your face" and a "pan" rating for being an incompetent critic.

If throwing shit around is your intent, you will lose every time.

Lol. The old if you don’t vote, you have no right to criticize. Fuck that. Dumb argument, but the oligarchy loves you for it.

I’ll comment if I so chose. Are you one who opposes the First Amendment?
No, you can use your free speech all you want but then again, most people that have a brain do not use free speech to look like they are simply bitching and not accomplishing anything. Only a dumb person does that. It is like bitching because you got Covid but never got vaccinated and don't plan on ever getting vaccinated. It is plain stupid
No, you can use your free speech all you want but then again, most people that have a brain do not use free speech to look like they are simply bitching and not accomplishing anything. Only a dumb person does that. It is like bitching because you got Covid but never got vaccinated and don't plan on ever getting vaccinated. It is plain stupid
Lol. You think voting is accomplishing something. Lol. Naive in the extreme.

Covid? Vax? Only an idiot gets the vax. Not surprised you did.
Lol. You think voting is accomplishing something. Lol. Naive in the extreme.

Covid? Vax? Only an idiot gets the vax. Not surprised you did.
Yes, voting is accomplishing something. I mean, look at the countries where voting is not done (like China and Russia). Would you prefer to live there?

As far as vac's are concerned. I have been vaccinated 6 times and have never caught Covid.

Here is a video that shows you how stupid it is not to get vaccinated.

Yes, voting is accomplishing something. I mean, look at the countries where voting is not done (like China and Russia). Would you prefer to live there?

As far as vac's are concerned. I have been vaccinated 6 times and have never caught Covid.

Here is a video that shows you how stupid it is not to get vaccinated.

Russians vote. The rest of your post is garbage.

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