Israel Rescues Another Hostage

Libs seem to think Hamas fighters are space aliens from some place other than Gaza and the West Bank

Hamas fighters are Pals themselves
Yes, they have bent over backwards to separate Palestinians (really….theres no such thing) from HAMAS when they often overlap, and in the vast majority of cases support their leadership’s goal to wipe Israel off the map and kill every Jew.
I could not disagree more; if they were merely stupid I could pardon their ignorance; they are cold blooded anti-Semite Hamas acolytes!! They are striking now while they have a chance of seizing the moment from a weak complicit Harris/Biden administration. If Iran attacks Harris will do like they did in Vietnam; starve the Anti-Hegemonistic powers of ammunition and logistical support. But Israel has probably built up enough capacity to survive. It is NOT clear to me yet what the outcome will be.


This canard is regularly posted here, like the recurring site maintenance, anti-Zionists must be regularly portrayed as "anti-Semite Hamas acolytes". From the outset this thread has done that, multiple posts that denigrate those who critical of Israel. The forum users must be constantly reminded of the evil antisemites stalking the threads.

The first few pages of posts are little more than attacks on "Hamas ass-lickers" (daveman) or "Jew haters" (Yarddog) "cold blooded anti-Semite Hamas acolytes" (gtopa1) not a single anti-Zionist post among them, just an incessant and frenzied attack using the cover of the thread's title to feign legitimacy.

Page after page after page of vitriol, hatred, yet when we look for the true antisemitic posts around here, what do we find? Nothing, I've never seen a single post in this forum that expresses antisemitism, the accusation is thrown around all the time here yet always dishonestly; like calling a man a child-molester, it cannot be unsaid, it forever taints the victim whether it be true or not.

I'd like to see an example then of these purported "antisemitic" posts; there might even be a couple but I've never seen one, it's all melodrama so far as I can see, a panic reaction to those who question Israeli Zionist dogma. So supply links to posts that are antiemetic please, lets count them all.
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This canard is regularly posted here, like the recurring site maintenance, anti-Zionists must be regularly portrayed as "anti-Semite Hamas acolytes". From the outset this thread has done that, multiple posts that denigrate those who critical of Israel. The forum users must be constantly reminded of the evil antisemites stalking the threads.

The first few pages of posts are little more than attacks on "Hamas ass-lickers" (daveman) or "Jew haters" (Yarddog) "cold blooded anti-Semite Hamas acolytes" (gtopa1) not a single anti-Zionist post among them, just an incessant and frenzied attack using the cover of the thread's title to feign legitimacy.

Page after page after page of vitriol, hatred, yet when we look for the true antisemitic posts around here, what do we find? Nothing, I've never seen a single post in this forum that expresses antisemitism, the accusation is thrown around all the time here yet always dishonestly; like calling a man a child-molester, it cannot be unsaid, it forever taints the victim whether it be true or not.

I'd like to see an example then of these purported "antisemitic" posts; there might even be a couple but I've never seen one, it's all melodrama so far as I can see, a panic reaction to those who question Israeli Zionist dogma. So supply links to posts that are antiemetic please, lets count them all.
Don't you get frustrated when people say things you don't like and don't say things you like?
That is not entirely correct. The majority, over a hundred were released in November I believe. Since then, very few.
Interesting point. Why not all of them? They used terrorism to get 150+ Palestinian prisoners released.

Then stopped and said they would use more terror to get more.

Sounds like it's the Palestinians who are most guilty of the accusations you toss at Israel.

If anything, it looks like terror and violence get results. That's the message.

And Israel received it.

Really? Hamas has now started actually murdering hostages.
So they are doing what they have done since day one?

Or do those 1400 civilians they targeted and killed not count?

Israel recovered bodies of hostages in that same month (11/23). So you're almost a year late, when you say they have "started" killing hostages.
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Interesting point. Why not all of them? They used terrorism to get 150+ Palestinian prisoners released.

Then stopped and said they would use more terror to get more.

Sounds like it's the Palestinians who are most guilty of the accusations you toss at Israel.
What specific accusations are you referring to?
If anything, it looks like terror and violence get results. That's the message.

Over 40,000 Gazans are dead, with thousands more under rubble (most of them women and children).

Most of Gaza is destroyed and damaged and 90% of tbe population displaced, infrastructure and the healthcare systems non-exhistent now.

Hamas is splintered and most of it’s military leadership assassinated or killed in battle and those left most certainly have a price on their heads.

Polio is now hitting Gaza’s children.

Are those the results you mean?

In the meantime they are still holding the hostages after almost a year of war. Are you looking at a Pyrrhic victory? Or getting those remaining hostages back alive?

And Israel received it.

So they are doing what they have done since day one?

Or do those 1400 civilians they targeted and killed not count?

Israel recovered bodies of hostages in that same month (11/23). So you're almost a year late, when you say they have "started" killing hostages.
I think (and would have to verify this) that Hamas has mostly tried to keep them more or less alive as opposed to executing them since that is the only thing they can use to bargain with. These last six were clearly executed by Hamas, shot at close range, and that is an escalation.
What specific accusations are you referring to?
You do know what it means for a terrorist group to end a cease fire, right?

I don't have to do this distracting exercise. The point is made just fine without it.

Over 40,000 Gazans are dead, with thousands more under rubble (most of them women and children).
Which is terrible.

At what point do you consider the blood of the human shields of a death cult to be on the hands of the death cult?

Surely you don't think the answer is "zero".

Do you?
You do know what it means for a terrorist group to end a cease fire, right?

I don't have to do this distracting exercise. The point is made just fine without it.
Okay, so don’t have any allegations and it was an empty statement.

Which is terrible.

At what point do you consider the blood of the human shields of a death cult to be on the hands of the death cult?
Oh it’s certainly on them, from the start.

Surely you don't think the answer is "zero".

Do you?
Okay, so don’t have any allegations and it was an empty statement.
False. It is self evident that when, a terrorist group ends a cease fire, they plan to commit more terrorism.

You aren't going to talk your way out of that fact or make it go away by calling it names.

Oh it’s certainly on them, from the start.
It definitely is on the death cult. From the start.

So now we are left with the discussion of how many is too many.

Lots of different answers, there. If you are a Palestinian citizen who now regrets supporting Hamas, I'm sure the number is low..
If you are an Israeli who watched the death cult murder and rape his fanily, I'm sure the number is higher.
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Well thought out…I could go for that.

Hard disagree. You only charge the Palestinians with making meaningful change here when the problem is as much on Israel as the West Bank Palestinians:

Increased violence directed at tbe Palestinian civilians.
A history of the government looking the way and now condoning it, encouraging it and even arming those who are committing that violence. Vigilantism.

Huge inequalities in justice when it comes to Jewish terrorists committing the same acts - no stone throwing youths get shot in the legs: no homes of terrorists get bulldozed; no administrative detention of youths and adults without charges, trials or the ability of family members visiting.
No raids and mass roundups of civilians.
As long as you have a system where one set of civilians are subject to military justice and other to a civilian system these inequalities of rights and Justice will never be resolved.

The West Bank was relatively peaceful for a long time…what’s been happening, what has changed? If civilians can’t even count on the government to protect their rights, safety etc. what are they supposed to do? You can blame the corrupt PA government, you can blame the Palestinian civilians yet in the end Israel has the power to override anything or take anyone with out explanation or any transparency and only Israel has power over their own civilians.
I'm not sure I understand what you disagree with here. I'm suggesting that we skip the atrocity and the following beat-down and go straight to a peaceful referendum: either the territory becomes part of Israel, or "West Bank Palestine" surrenders its use of terrorism immediately and negotiates a peace treaty. (Personally, I don't think option 2 is possible just now.)

Israel had a simple demand: return all the hostages.

Hamas refused and stated they would rather prolong the conflict.

They did so hoping to maximize Palestinian deaths, in hopes of triggering a regional war against Israel.

This is still the goal. As I type this.

Israel had a simple demand: return all the hostages.

Hamas refused and stated they would rather prolong the conflict.

They did so hoping to maximize Palestinian deaths, in hopes of triggering a regional war against Israel.

This is still the goal. As I type this.
Sources? any sources (not Fox or Newsmax please) I can provide plenty of sources that say the opposite.

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