Israel Rescues Another Hostage


This is typical too, very easy to find out that the Israelis are the obstacle, it's really easy to fid this stuff.
I'm not sure I understand what you disagree with here. I'm suggesting that we skip the atrocity and the following beat-down and go straight to a peaceful referendum: either the territory becomes part of Israel, or "West Bank Palestine" surrenders its use of terrorism immediately and negotiates a peace treaty. (Personally, I don't think option 2 is possible just now.)
Why not demand the settlers renounce terrorism?
Yes, they have bent over backwards to separate Palestinians (really….theres no such thing) from HAMAS when they often overlap, and in the vast majority of cases support their leadership’s goal to wipe Israel off the map and kill every Jew.
Usually when people repeat the mantra “there are no innocent civilians” it’s a deliberate dehumanization tactic and a prelude to justifying atrocities. History is full of that.

So yes. I DO and WILL separate the Palestinians as an entire ethnic group from the actions of Hamas just as I do the actions of Israel which should not be conflated with all Jews.
So yes. I DO and WILL separate the Palestinians as an entire ethnic group from those of Hamas just as I do the actions of Israel which should not be conflated with all Jews.
Then you must have magical.powers. Please share them.

In terms of actual reality on the ground, I see Gazan streets overflowing with Palestinians cheering dead female hostages' bodies in pickup trucks.

So I am curious how you plan to draw this line.

Just ask them?

Wait, we tried that. The majority of them supported and elected Hamas.

So... how?
Because one of Israel's goals is to destroy Hamas.
Yes they keep saying that, but that doesn't alter the fact that Israel is the obstacle. I can get the comments too if you want where one of the ultra nationalists says Israel will only agree to a ceasefire if it doesn't have to stop shooting.
What you suggest is that they should not have this goal.
They don't have that goal, they are just pretending to, it's a lie and most observers fully understand that. Unless they arrest and interrogate every single Palestinian in Gaza asking "Do you support the goals of Hamas" and the person promises "No" then they can never know when they've reached this "goal" its rhetoric, silliness.
Why not demand the settlers renounce terrorism?

Of course we should demand that the Jewish people who live in Judea and Samaria renounce terrorism. We've done so. And Israel will use the law to enforce it.

Not sure how this is relevant to my suggestion for the future of the West Bank.
Yes they keep saying that, but that doesn't alter the fact that Israel is the obstacle.
Only by merely existing. Maybe you're not familiar with the Muslim death cult.

If the death cult lays down it's weapons, there will be peace.

If Israel lays down its weapons, there will be no more Israel.
They also tend to kill those who support them.

That's their ENTIRE PLAN. Get as many Palestinians killed as possible, trigger a regional war against Israel.
There already is as much of a regional war against Israel as we are going to see. Israel is currently being attacked by the Palestinians, Lebanon, the Houthi, Iran and even by Shi'ite militia from Iraq. What other countries would be willing to suffer the considerable damage an attack on Israel would cost them for the sake of the Palestinian terrorists? We recently saw Iran back down from threats to attack Israel directly, so if Iran is too afraid of Israel's retaliation to strike, who else will want to pick a fight with Israel?

When the Arabs are firing rockets at Israel and launching smaller terrorist attacks, politicians, even some favorable to Israel, and left wing "news sources" call it regional tensions, suggesting that they somehow find this acceptable, but when Israel fires back, they call it an escalation and suggest it will lead to a "regional war" without ever defining what that kind of war they would consider a regional war, and even bizarrely suggest it might lead to WWIII.

The Palestinians' plan has always been to fight Israel until it is destroyed regardless of the cost to them and their families, and there are no indications that might change in the foreseeable future. There is no evidence of the existence of any group of Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank that is willing to live in peace with Israel.
Yes they keep saying that, but that doesn't alter the fact that Israel is the obstacle.

Israel is the obstacle to what, exactly? There can be no lasting peace unless Hamas is dismantled and Gaza is run by not-Hamas. The only thing Israel is an obstacle to is total Israeli surrender. As it should be.
Of course we should demand that the Jewish people who live in Judea and Samaria renounce terrorism. We've done so.

And Israel will use the law to enforce it.
Then why has it been taking place since 1948 and why does Ben-Gvir and Smotrich keep saying that settlement building must be increased?
Not sure how this is relevant to my suggestion for the future of the West Bank.

Look, from July 10 2023 BEFORE OCTOBER 7th

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has spoken about preventing the occupied West Bank from becoming a part of an independent Palestinian state, according to leaked audio of a speech he gave earlier this month.

Smotrich, a leading far right member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet, said the way to prevent a Palestinian state that would endanger the state of Israel was to develop Jewish settlements. “The goal is to change the DNA of the system for many, many years,” he told the gathering.

He says this often, he even takes steps to make land seizure and settlement building easier.

No talk of Israel "enforcing" any thing except more settlement building, if the Israelis wanted to stop it would stop, they want it top continue is the rather obvious reality. So denounce that, denounce Smotrich, speak up and call out these people who continue to terrorize and steal and evict non-Jews - GO AND DO THAT.
Usually when people repeat the mantra “there are no innocent civilians” it’s a deliberate dehumanization tactic and a prelude to justifying atrocities. History is full of that.

So yes. I DO and WILL separate the Palestinians as an entire ethnic group from the actions of Hamas just as I do the actions of Israel which should not be conflated with all Jews.
Welllll, 6 Israeli hostages were just murdered. They could have been released, but no, the Palestinians would rather murder people than be peaceful.

There are 5,000,000 Palestinians. There are less than 50,000 ham-ass terrorists. If the 'civilians' actually wanted to get rid if them, it would take a small amount of time to do so.

They don't. So, you are left with the realization that Palestinian 'civilians' are no different from ham-ass.

They are part and parcel the same.

Actions speak volumes, and the civilians do nothing to get rid of ham-ass. Thus it is clear THEY ARE THE SAME!
Then why has it been taking place since 1948 and why does Ben-Gvir and Smotrich keep saying that settlement building must be increased?

Look, from July 10 2023 BEFORE OCTOBER 7th

No talk of Israel "enforcing" any thing except more settlement building, if the Israelis wanted to stop it would stop, they want it top continue is the rather obvious reality.
Israel ABANDONED Gaza. They forced all Israeli citizens out.

Still no peace.
False. It is self evident that when, a terrorist group ends a cease fire, they plan to commit more terrorism.

You aren't going to talk your way out of that fact or make it go away by calling it names.
At this point I don’t know what you are talking about. You claimed I’m making allegations on Israel but won’t say what they are. Now you are talking about ending a ceasefire. How does that fit in?

If we are talking about cease fires and ending them, it doesn’t necessarily mean back to terrorism. Cease fires can be a stop gap measure to buy time to work out a longer term peace, or release hostages or allow in aid. They may or may not end in more war.

It definitely is on the death cult. From the start.

So now we are left with the discussion of how many is too many.

Lots of different answers, there. If you are a Palestinian citizen who now regrets supporting Hamas, I'm sure the number is low..
If you are an Israeli who watched the death cult murder and rape his fanily, I'm sure the number is higher.
The way you frame this is so biased it’s pathetic starting with the assumption that Hamas has much support and complicated reasons as to why it has support. You want to put an entire peop,e and decades long conflict into a neat yes/no black/white package and it doesn’t exist that way.

How many deaths is too many?

I suspect that the numbers are similar:

…the family who just learned that their son, who was slated to be released in the first group if the ceasefire had gone through, was among the 6 hostages executed.

…the family who’s children are still buried in the rubble.
Then why has it been taking place since 1948 and why does Ben-Gvir and Smotrich keep saying that settlement building must be increased?

Look, from July 10 2023 BEFORE OCTOBER 7th

He says this often, he even takes steps to make land seizure and settlement building easier.

No talk of Israel "enforcing" any thing except more settlement building, if the Israelis wanted to stop it would stop, they want it top continue is the rather obvious reality.

We were discussing terrorism. Which should be condemned and addressed through law in all cases. The presence of Jews in a place is NOT an obstacle to peace.
Usually when people repeat the mantra “there are no innocent civilians” it’s a deliberate dehumanization tactic and a prelude to justifying atrocities. History is full of that.

So yes. I DO and WILL separate the Palestinians as an entire ethnic group from the actions of Hamas just as I do the actions of Israel which should not be conflated with all Jews.
Why? They are part and parcel the same. 5,000,000 'civilians' could easily get rid of the 50,000 ham-ass terrorists.

If they really wanted to.
Welllll, 6 Israeli hostages were just murdered. They could have been released, but no, the Palestinians would rather murder people than be peaceful.

There are 5,000,000 Palestinians. There are less than 50,000 ham-ass terrorists. If the 'civilians' actually wanted to get rid if them, it would take a small amount of time to do so.

They don't. So, you are left with the realization that Palestinian 'civilians' are no different from ham-ass.

They are part and parcel the same.

Actions speak volumes, and the civilians do nothing to get rid of ham-ass. Thus it is clear THEY ARE THE SAME!
That is so ridiculously simplistic it isn’t worth an answer. Look at all tbe countries where a handful of people have been able to control a larger population through terror, secret police, disappearences, torture. History is full of examp,es.

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