Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

There is no blame to shift.

He was invited there for the ceremony by the Gold Star families.

The problem isn't that he was there. The problem is that he brought a camera crew and campaign staff to the event.

That's not respectful and that's not what he was invited to do. He did it to create a scandal and "capture the news cycle". He used these people and their grief.
Cotton provided testimony of the famlies and what they requested.
Irrelevant. Congress writes federal law, not gold star families.

How shameful of Trump to use their grief and ignorance for a disgraceful and illegal display.

When he could have just attended and paid his respects. But that isn't what his attendance was about.

And you know it.
Watching Trump supporters defend his actions and the use of imagery generated by the campaign in their social media account(s), despite rules governing behavior at ANC and imagery generated there to not be used for political campaigns is



The cemetery is run by the Dept of Army. Yes they have rules and one is not to make it political

An Arlington National Cemetery official was “abruptly pushed aside” in an altercation with former President Donald Trump’s staff during a wreath-laying ceremony to honor service members killed in the Afghanistan War withdrawal, but she declined to press charges, an Army spokesman said Thursday.

The Army spokesman said the cemetery employee was trying to make sure those participating in Monday’s wreath-laying ceremony to mark the third anniversary of the attack were following the rules, which “clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds.”

So Trump was filmed while at the location. When an employee tried to intervene. They pushed him or her away. Then used the video for political purposes.

A TikTok video of the visit that was later shared by Trump shows scenes of him at the cemetery and includes a voiceover of the Republican presidential nominee blaming the Biden administration for the “disaster” of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

So yeah trump made it political, He was in a video that was being made of his visit and later broadcasted.

He was invited but now they know Trump will make it political with an election come up soon.

If the picture said Vote for Me, that’s political. The family has every single right to take a picture with Trump at their grave. Lib loons have no right to interfere.
The only charges coming are from the family as interruptions from staff are not permitted
they dreamed up this fake verbal altercation that nobody witnessed to turn their rotten conduct into a way to attack Trump.
I believe there actually WAS an altercation.

The thing here, is someone suffering from TDS that is employed by the cemetary, did not want Trump to take photos of his visit. Some of the families gave permission, as they more than likely wanted to memorialize the meeting.

The problem? It is against the law to use the cemetery for political purposes. The person suffering from TDS that denied the right of the families to have their photo with Trump, knew, that even if the Trump campaign was NOT going to use it for politics, it would still appear as such, thus violating the law.

All of the GOP related activity since the scandal, has been about respecting the law. They have taken down any publication of the photos in campaign literature.

". . . While Hoover’s family gave the Trump campaign permission to take photos and video at his gravesite, Marckesano’s relatives did not, according to the Times. In addition to Trump’s TikTok video, Republican Utah Gov. Spencer Cox posted a photo on social media of himself and Trump standing behind the graves, then later apologized for sending campaign emails that included photos of the visit."
You have been provided with precise information regarding violations on the part of Trump's campaign staff regarding...

(1) staging political events at Arlington

(2) assaulting Federal employees

I have read in news reports that the Federal cemetery employee who was shoved is not going to press charges on (2).
They claimed it was a verbal shove.

How does someone shove someone with their words?
The cemetery is run by the Dept of Army. Yes they have rules and one is not to make it political

An Arlington National Cemetery official was “abruptly pushed aside” in an altercation with former President Donald Trump’s staff during a wreath-laying ceremony to honor service members killed in the Afghanistan War withdrawal, but she declined to press charges, an Army spokesman said Thursday.

The Army spokesman said the cemetery employee was trying to make sure those participating in Monday’s wreath-laying ceremony to mark the third anniversary of the attack were following the rules, which “clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds.”

So Trump was filmed while at the location. When an employee tried to intervene. They pushed him or her away. Then used the video for political purposes.

A TikTok video of the visit that was later shared by Trump shows scenes of him at the cemetery and includes a voiceover of the Republican presidential nominee blaming the Biden administration for the “disaster” of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

So yeah trump made it political, He was in a video that was being made of his visit and later broadcasted.

He was invited but now they know Trump will make it political with an election come up soon.

If the picture said Vote for Me, that’s political. The family has every single right to take a picture with Trump at their grave. Lib loons have no right to interfere.
The only charges coming are from the family as interruptions from staff are not permitted

Whomever was filming was told that it was prohibited.

Trump is running for president, do you need to be told that

The Dept of Army disagrees with your assessment

The US Army issued a stark rebuke of former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign over the incident on Monday at Arlington National Cemetery, saying in a statement on Thursday that participants in the ceremony “were made aware of federal laws” regarding political activity at the cemetery, and “abruptly pushed aside” an employee of the cemetery.
And what he did there was disgusting!
Anyone who thinks his attendance was ever about honoring fallen soldiers he has referred to as "suckers and losers," and not political opportunism, just hasn't been paying attention.

What is most at fault for the tragic events surrounding the withdrawal is the flawed intel assessment on how much resistance the Afghan military would put up in the face of the Taliban forces. And this...........

US general: Afghan collapse rooted in 2020 deal with Taliban​

Senior Pentagon officials said Wednesday the collapse of the Afghan government and its security forces in August could be traced to a 2020 U.S. agreement with the Taliban that promised a complete U.S. troop withdrawal.

Gen. Frank McKenzie, the head of Central Command, told the House Armed Services Committee that once the U.S. troop presence was pushed below 2,500 as part of President Joe Biden’s decision in April to complete a total withdrawal by September, the unraveling of the U.S.-backed Afghan government accelerated.

“The signing of the Doha agreement had a really pernicious effect on the government of Afghanistan and on its military — psychological more than anything else, but we set a date-certain for when we were going to leave and when they could expect all assistance to end,” McKenzie said.

He was referring to a Feb. 29, 2020, agreement that the Trump administration signed with the Taliban in Doha, Qatar, in which the U.S. promised to fully withdraw its troops by May 2021 and the Taliban committed to several conditions, including stopping attacks on American and coalition forces.

It was still on government property

be informed

Still the story that Trump was invited by a family seems unrealistic.

This was what it appears to be a visit that was used for political purposes.

It should be even clear to the clueless
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Trump is trying to blame gold star families for what he did at Arlington National Cemetery. And in doing so, he is making his visit more political.

Not only did he try to use this visit in a campaign ad, but a member of his entourage assaulted a Cemetery worker who was trying to enforce the law. As well as that smile and a "thumbs up" next to the grave of one of the fallen.

Trump's actions at Arlington were disrespectful and disgusting.

From your link;

". . .. This is not true. Informed his campaign published videos from the visit on TikTok, he said, “I really don’t know anything about it.”

The controversy won’t go away anytime soon. On Thursday, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) told Politico, “As a member of the Armed Services Committee, I am troubled by the reporting and want to see the incident report.”

If THIS is true, why did not Rolling Stone link us to the Trump campaign tiktok to prove their allegations?

They claimed it was a verbal shove.

How does someone shove someone with their words?

Also from the the Forbes piece;


In find it suspicious that we can't view video of the supposed, altercation, whether there was a shove aside or not?

If it is closed in the eyes of the Army, I suspect it is pretty much a nothing burger.

The person that initiated the incident probably, indeed, did have TDS and was more than likely making a scene. THIS is why the establishment does not want the public to view what actually happened. Likewise, I suspect the incident report will NOT be released till after this story has left the news cycle.
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And what he did there was disgusting!
What Joe did was disgusting. Kamala could have shown up. This tell us all it is going to be a one-way Presidential run just like Joe. The hate for her is going to be in the stratosphere if elected. The legislation that Progs will pass will make what the Progs, Joe and Kamala did the first two years look like pikers. To Prog elites it's like the rotisserie oven commercial...set it and forget it. The Progs in power to the voters will be elect it and forget it.
You have been provided with precise information regarding violations on the part of Trump's campaign staff regarding...

(1) staging political events at Arlington

(2) assaulting Federal employees

I have read in news reports that the Federal cemetery employee who was shoved is not going to press charges on (2).
Because there may not be video of it.

And if there is, the Trump campaign has it. So not seeing it kind of tells you what you need to know.
There are reports that there is.

But even if there isn't. The issue here is NOT the memorializing of the visit, it is whether the Trump campaign has used video and images in campaign literature. THAT is what is against the law.

The cemetery staff worker, would have no idea how images are going to be used a priori. This is just something that the worker projected into the future. The time to take action? Would be then, not to prevent the rights of the family.

Him being there? The families right to have that memorialized? No one should doubt that.

SO? If it is true that the cemetery worker tried to prevent the rights of the family, then yes, the cemetery worker is in the wrong for trampling the right's of the families.
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