Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

My guess is this never happened in the first place.

Witnesses that remained with Trump the entire time said nothing went on.

This is just an example of the Kamala campaign trying to white wash her own bad behavior.
Oh, the real lies come out. Again and again.
Pretty sure this also has something to do with lib loon hatred of cohesive white families that are dedicated, successful and happy and gather together patriotically
Interesting fairy tale. Those same families were more than happy to allow the event to become a campaign ad for trump, the purpose of inviting him all along. That's shameless exploitation of their dead relatives. They should be banned from Arlington from now on.
Every veteran I've talked to are not happy with Trump. Multiple incidents regarding his behavior changed how they look at him. This aggregious act has solidified their disdain.
I think that, if any of our relatives stood over a dead veteran relative's grave on the anniversary of his death and took a thumbs up, smiling picture, we would be appalled and try to stop them.

But this poor family was under the spell and shadow that a powerful man casts.

I find it very hard to believe that woman doesn't look at her very unfortunate picture later and cringe. And wonder how she made such a stupid mistake.
Interesting fairy tale. Those same families were more than happy to allow the event to become a campaign ad for trump, the purpose of inviting him all along. That's shameless exploitation of their dead relatives. They should be banned from Arlington from now on.
Maybe, except I think it's pretty clear they were not informed that what was happening was illegal.
Do leftie posters even realize that their cheap photo shopped graphics are more insulting to the honored dead at Arlington than Trump's visit? According to the families of the honored dead as a result of Biden's hasty retreat from Afghanistan, neither the president or the giggly V.P. ever attempted to contact them. Trump honored their loved ones with a photo op.
Do leftie posters even realize that their cheap photo shopped graphics are more insulting to the honored dead at Arlington than Trump's visit?
Anything is more insulting than that to you, because you think there was no insult, and Trump and his collection of scumbags did and can do no wrong.

So you're not in a position to make that point.
If trump's goons had any regard for the law, or respect for the dead, they would have immediately obeyed the cemetery worker when they were informed they were violating federal law.
It is all a matter of perspective.

From the worker's perspective it was a nakedly political tactic.

From the families' perspective, it was someone who served at that highest level of government, finally paying attention to their suffering.

Was the cemetery worker correct that someone in Trump's orbit would take the material and then violate the law? Yes, I have just posted the tiktok. This is beyond dispute now.

OTH? The cemetery worker could not have known this a priori. IN EFFECT? What the cemetery worker was doing, from the PoV of the families, was preventing the memorization with Trump, all from paying their respects.

This was also wrong.

There is enough blame for everyone to go around here.

The worker should have never interfered with the wishes of the families, and then, if the Trump campaign used this for politics, (which they clearly have,) THAT is the time to press charges.
The family of the late Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano, a Green Beret who died by suicide after serving several combat tours and suffering post-traumatic stress disorder, also spoke out Wednesday about Trump’s cemetery visit, saying they were upset about him filming near his grave.
“According to our conversation with Arlington National Cemetery, the Trump campaign staffers did not adhere to the rules that were set in place for this visit to Staff Sergeant Hoover’s gravesite in Section 60, which lays directly next to my brother’s grave,” Marckesano’s sister Michele told The New York Times.
“We hope that those visiting this sacred site understand that these were real people who sacrificed for our freedom and that they are honored and respected accordingly,” she added.


Trump claimed that he didn’t know “anything about” the use of the images on his campaign social media. “We have a lot of people, we have TikTok people,” he said. “You know, we’re leading the internet.
”Pressed on it again, Trump suggested the parents of the deceased service members he had accompanied may have been responsible for distributing the videos and photos.
“I don’t know what the rules and regulations are. I don’t know who did it,” Trump said. “It could have been them — it could have been the parents.”

Gutless orange turd.

The letter of the law is quite clear.
First, it isn't a law, it is VA policy.

Second, I clipped a shot of the policy directly from their site, which you ignored and said the cemetery worker knows it better than what is written for all to see.

just stahp already.

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