Tips For Counter Service?

I went to a local baseball game yesterday and although I kept my mouth shut I couldn't understand why they were asking for tips at the counter when I went to go pay for my food. I always tip my waiter or waitress but seriously!? Counter service!? Talk about greedy. 🙄
My general rule of thumb is if I order standing up there is no tipping except in extraordinary circumstances.

The Department of Labor DEFINES "tipped employees" and gives them a lower Minimum Wage - $2.35/hr. If you are subject to the regular MW, $7.25/hr, you ARE NOT A TIPPED EMPLOYEE. End of discussion. Counter workers are not "tipped employees." If you want to tip for EXCEPTIONAL service at a Starbuck's or whatever, go ahead, but nothing like the 20% that is now common.

The Department of Labor DEFINES "tipped employees" and gives them a lower Minimum Wage - $2.35/hr. If you are subject to the regular MW, $7.25/hr, you ARE NOT A TIPPED EMPLOYEE. End of discussion. Counter workers are not "tipped employees." If you want to tip for EXCEPTIONAL service at a Starbuck's or whatever, go ahead, but nothing like the 20% that is now common.
Do you expect service then? If so, why?
Then you won't have your job long.
Because I wasn't nice to you? Like they're going to fire a 7.25 worker. Nobody wants to do those jobs nor is it a big deal if those jobs aren't filled. Working hard for 7.25 an hour is un american.
Maybe people are taking Trump's no tax on tips too far as tips should only be for people who actually deserve it for giving people extra service like waiting on them or cutting their hair.

I swear, I better not ever walk into a fast food restaurant and ever see them asking for tips because I probably would just lose what's left of my mind.

Our local ice cream shop has a tip jar but that's just for people to put a dollar or coin change into so that's different because they're not asking for much.

That doesn't mean that I find it necessary but I still do it anyways because I enjoy their ice cream.
Quick question. Are you getting the food directly off the grill? Are you pouring that beer yourself?

No, aren't there paid employees there who JOB it is to do that stuff for you?

Some people in servce jobs working off tips doing menial labor (unskilled jobs) often make more money than do people with advanced degrees! And most tips are never reported as income so go tax free. So why bother to even go to college?

I've worked most every job there is to work: everything from science to engineering, to business, to labor to retail, I have advanced science and aided in the defense of my country. To date, I've never gotten a single tip for doing any of it, not even a dime, even though it sometimes involved risking my own life. In the one job where tips WERE possible, they were absolutely forbidden by the employer.

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