Why are we talking about IVF?

It’s about the trail of chaos created by Trump that led to abortion bans all across the country and now it’s spilling over to an IVF controversy which is why Trump is talking about it and trying to flip the script.
You titled it “why are we talking about IVF?”

You didn’t mention abortion at all…weird you don’t even remember what you titled it

There is no IVF controversy, as we showed you, you just were spreading lies and disinformation
There is a constitution amendment banning slavery, and seperate but equal violates the equal protection clause of the US Constitution.

Having access to healhcare is certainly a human right, and we have h access to it in the United States, but it’s up to the govts to regulate healthcare to ensure it’s safe
Before slavery was an amendment it was left up to the states. Before the congressional civil rights act, segregation was left up to the states. Now with this issue you are cheering states rights for something that clearly should be a nation wide protection. Women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies.

I’m fine with a discussion about when a fetus transitions to an independent person with rights… but it’s certainly not when it is a clump of cells
You titled it “why are we talking about IVF?”

You didn’t mention abortion at all…weird you don’t even remember what you titled it

There is no IVF controversy, as we showed you, you just were spreading lies and disinformation
Abortion is a reason why we are talking about IVF. Don’t be so dense. Makes you sound desperate
Trump didn’t ban any abortions. I mean I get you all are desperate and can’t run on the harris/xiden record so you have to make things up and use fearmongerijg…but anyone with an IQ above 5 knows trump didn’t ban any abortions.

Haha no trump and no GOP govt is going after IVF

Even more silly lies
It’s perfectly appropriate to refer to abortion bans as Trump abortion bans because they reflect Trump’s arrogant authoritarianism and contempt for citizens’ rights and protected liberties, Trump’s desire for more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty, and Trump’s advocacy of compelling conformity and silencing dissent.
It’s perfectly appropriate to refer to abortion bans as Trump abortion bans because they reflect Trump’s arrogant authoritarianism and contempt for citizens’ rights and protected liberties, Trump’s desire for more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty, and Trump’s advocacy of compelling conformity and silencing dissent.
Haha its authoritarian to allow citizens to vote on how to regulate it? Haha what a weird comment
The topic is the authoritarian right’s comprehensive assault on privacy rights and reproductive autonomy – including deciding whether to have a child or not or using IVF to start a family.
Yeah and apparently yoj have this weird idea that citizens voting is authoritarian

So weird

Your party has you dembots all mixed up

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