Why are we talking about IVF?

I don't think there are as many as you think... people don't look at it like abortion...
IVF freezes fertilized eggs/ embryos until implantation of eggs in to woman....remaining frozen embryos are then discarded...killed...when couple is done having children, by the fertility clinic.

That killing of the fertilized frozen eggs in the ending IVF process, is considered abortion by those pro lifers who believe life begins at conception.
IVF freezes fertilized eggs/ embryos until implantation of eggs in to woman....remaining frozen embryos are then discarded...killed...when couple is done having children, by the fertility clinic.

That killing of the fertilized frozen eggs in the ending IVF process, is considered abortion by those pro lifers who believe life begins at conception.
Pro life means something...
Yes... and abortion is something I'd like to see reduced as opposed to Bidenomics inflation....
If you believe that life begins at conception then how can you be supportive of allowing embryos to be disposed of like what’s done with IVF?

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