Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Did Christ, or did he not, open redemption and the Way of Salvation two thousand years ago through his sacrifice on the cross? Do we start over with the Garden of Eden (disobedience), or do we start with the Way of Salvation (obedience) that has now been open for two thousand years? If you believe it important that children start at the way lived in the Garden of Eden before they come forward thousands of years later to the Way of Salvation, then I somewhat understand why some wait for baptism. However, for those starting with the Way of Salvation that has been open for two thousand years, we begin with Baptism as Christ commanded. We believe and have faith in the power of God's sacrament of Baptism.

I know this wasn't directed at me, but I wanted to reply to a couple things you said.

You keep saying "Way of Salvation".... and then after that you put the word "obedience" in parenthesis.

Jesus made it crystal clear that HE is the way.

"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

- John 14:6​

So we need to put our faith in HIM. When you continually leave out the essential component of faith, and skip ahead to obedience....this is disturbing, because I believe it misses the whole point of the Gospel.

The bible makes it clear that we are not saved by our own works, or religious ceremonies. We are not saved by being "good" or "obedient" because none of us can achieve God's standard by our own merit. And since God's standard is perfection, that is precisely why we need Jesus, because HE did what we simply cannot do. We just need to put our faith and trust fully in Him and, not in our own works or any religious rituals.

So as I posted earlier.... before jumping ahead to obedience, purification and things like that... FIRST one needs to receive the gift of salvation, and as has been stated over and over, we are saved by God's grace, through faith.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

- Ephesians 2:8-9​

So the "Way" of Salvation is not obedience (which implies our own works)... it's JESUS.

If things aren't done in the right order... if one jumps ahead several steps while putting no emphasis on the absolutely necessary first steps, then that could result in a false conversion.

As TIR said in post #300, Jesus was emphatic and clear. "You MUST be born again." (John 3)

Being born again is not about "obedience." It's about becoming born spiritually. It's literally, truly becoming a son or daughter of the living God of the universe, with a new nature, a new heart, everything is new. And once we get saved we have the Holy Spirit. So it's completely different than striving to be "obedient" in our natural state.

I know this is off topic, so I'll stop here. But when I kept seeing you say "Way of Salvation" while continually leaving out faith, repentance and the reality of going from death to life, I had to chime in.
But we heard them first coming out of Christ's mouth. And He included a "must" in His commentary:
John 3:7 "You must be born again before you can see, or enter, the Kingdom of Heaven"

We need to hear it in every church, often...
Baptism is the symbolism of being born again. First by water and then by fire. Only for those who can sin. As Jesus said, little children are as the kingdom of Cod. They are pure and innocent from sin. Thus, baptism is not essential until one has the ability to choose good or evil (sin).

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