Tips For Counter Service?

Some gas stations ask for tips...

I usually ask: "Are you going to put gas in my car? Are you going to get my drinks/snacks, as well?"

The usual response from the cashier is: "No."

Then they don't need a tip from me.
I went to a local baseball game yesterday and although I kept my mouth shut I couldn't understand why they were asking for tips at the counter when I went to go pay for my food. I always tip my waiter or waitress but seriously!? Counter service!? Talk about greedy.

Just because they ask doesn't mean you must comply. In Europe, not only don't people tip but they'd be insulted if you tried.

In too many cases, tipping is really just a way for the employer to get out of paying his workers a living wage, throwing the burden on YOU. most of the world, a tip is considered an insult (yeah, look it up). This country is so entitled that they think they need extra money for doing their job. How do I know this? I spent 21 years in the Navy traveling to different countries. most of the world, a tip is considered an insult (yeah, look it up). This country is so entitled that they think they need extra money for doing their job. How do I know this? I spent 21 years in the Navy traveling to different countries.
Interesting you mention that. Back in my Navy days, I was lucky enough to spend some time in New Zealand. At the time, it was considered an insult to the owner if you tipped the staff.
How about this latest thing now where if you pay with your card, this screen comes up with tip options. How do you exit that without feeling like a dick?

Tips are for outstanding work above and beyond what is called for. A tip is a gratuity, meaning you are grateful for a wonderful experience above and beyond what was necessary. When anyone tries to make me include a tip just for doing business with them, I give NO TIP and might never even be back again. If we start giving tips out just for showing up, workers no longer having any reason to try to go that extra mile to make your service experience pleasant.
I went to a local baseball game yesterday and although I kept my mouth shut I couldn't understand why they were asking for tips at the counter when I went to go pay for my food. I always tip my waiter or waitress but seriously!? Counter service!? Talk about greedy. 🙄
Quick question. Are you getting the food directly off the grill? Are you pouring that beer yourself?

Use your head and stop being a jerk.
He doesn't need to tip them. Do you think a ballpark is a fancy German restaurant?
I am guessing you are a greedy Trump voter.

What differance does the level of the resturant make? Good God.

Let me guess, you don't leave a tip if the server was normal and did not kiss your ass.
If I like it and want to come back maybe?
To keep the spit off the pizza. Uh yeah. Maybe. Guess who got arrested for that. Or what they do to Cops order. Disgraceful.

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