Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

He ruins everything.

Visting the graves of dead soldiers to pay your respects is a political slam dunk.

Yet the orange slob and his collection of scumbags found a way to ruin it and turn it into another black eye for Trump.
Every veteran I've talked to are not happy with Trump. Multiple incidents regarding his behavior changed how they look at him. This aggregious act has solidified their disdain.
Mr. Trump likes to cause dramatic situations that are controversial enough to keep his name in the news. It's been his MO for about a decade now. People still fall for it, so why should he stop?
A very weird and silly lie.

Congress writes federal law, not gold star families.

The laws are on the books for everyone to read.

It is not beyond dispute, that the person that turned the scene into a circus? That was the cemetery worker.

As pointed out in other responses, former President Trump "was" invited there and when a president or former president travels, multiple Secret Service agents travel with them. Trump and other presidents are not and never have been responsible for the actions that the Secret Service do. Trump didn't do a single negative thing to anyone at Arlington. The actions of the Secret Service personnel are solely on them.
The "thumbs up" next to the grave of a fallen soldier wasn't negative?
I wonder how that works. Does the family just sent a letter to Trump to have him show up a funeral site.

taking time from his busy schedule he show up

People happen to be taking photos and videos

Trump has secret service protection especial after the shooting

Was this planned and what went wrong ?

Now was Trump in on it and when did he know
"Now was Trump in on it and when did he know"

It is not beyond dispute, that the person that turned the scene into a circus?

That would be the criminal Trump staffers.

Listen to yourself. The criminals were just minding their criminal buisiness... but the employee enforcing the law caused the problem and deserved to be physically assaulted.

Disgusting. This is what Trump has done to the morality and ethics of so many Americans.
They claimed it was a verbal shove.

How does someone shove someone with their words?
That's not what I heard, but perhaps I heard or am remembering it wrong.

If verbal, that appears to qualify as Assault rather than Battery, at-law, yes?

I've also heard that the targeted Federal cemetery Employee decided not to press charges because he is afraid of retaliation by Trump et al.

Did I hear that wrong as well?
It was not. Disgusting is the Biden / Harris administration incompetence which caused their needless death and then not acknowledging their mistakes and ignoring these families

These people noticed Joe Biden checking his watch while the caskets passed in front of him.
A smile and a "thumbs up" over the grave of a dead soldier is disgusting and disrespectful.

Fuck you!
That's not what I heard, but perhaps I heard or am remembering it wrong.

If verbal, that appears to qualify as Assault rather than Battery, at-law, yes?

I've also heard that the targeted Federal cemetery Employee decided not to press charges because he is afraid of retaliation by Trump et al.

Did I hear that wrong as well?
My guess is this never happened in the first place.

Witnesses that remained with Trump the entire time said nothing went on.

This is just an example of the Kamala campaign trying to white wash her own bad behavior.
Let's also keep in mind...

The orange slob and his collection of scumbags tricked the gold star family into thinking it was an honor, instead of an illegal disgrace.

Trump and his staff were explicitly warned not to do what they did. They were explicitly told it was illegal, why it was illegal, and they were presented with the relevant code of law.

But they didn't clue in the gold star families on this. Instead they tricked the gold star families into endorsing and illegal activity.

That right there would be enough to end any up-and-coming politician's career.

But they don't all come with a sizeable cult.
From your link;

". . .. This is not true. Informed his campaign published videos from the visit on TikTok, he said, “I really don’t know anything about it.”

The controversy won’t go away anytime soon. On Thursday, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) told Politico, “As a member of the Armed Services Committee, I am troubled by the reporting and want to see the incident report.”

If THIS is true, why did not Rolling Stone link us to the Trump campaign tiktok to prove their allegations?

Also from the the Forbes piece;

View attachment 1005357

In find it suspicious that we can't view video of the supposed, altercation, whether there was a shove aside or not?

If it is closed in the eyes of the Army, I suspect it is pretty much a nothing burger.

The person that initiated the incident probably, indeed, did have TDS and was more than likely making a scene. THIS is why the establishment does not want the public to view what actually happened. Likewise, I suspect the incident report will NOT be released till after this story has left the news cycle.
Trump is a liar!

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