Why there is bias on who gets prosecuted for crimes.

Your point?
Biden invited them to search.

From your link:
“A spokesman for the U.S. attorney in Chicago, who is overseeing the investigation of the documents until special counsel Robert Hur is in place, confirmed the search, saying that the FBI had "executed a planned, consensual search" of Biden's home.”

The conclusion:
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And that somehow relieves him of the responsibility of insecurely storing and sharing confidential documents that HE NEVER HAD AUTHORITY TO POSSESS AT ALL? You're a moron.
They can justify all of their lies and crimes. Willful ignorance
Then why maralago raid?
Because Trump received a grand jury subpoena for documents and he obstructed justice by causing his lawyers to lie about his compliance with that subpoena.

Not that complicated.
Folks call trump a Felon because of a liberal judge and demand they haven't gone after the Democrats. This is why Harris-led office, ATF stonewalling probe into 'collusion' with anti-gun group lawsuit: House Oversight chair

Colmes listed all the evidence that made Hillary quality, then claim she didn't have intent because she was too stupid to know she was violating the law. She graduated from Harvard, and claims she didn't know what destruction of evidence or obstruction of evidence was. She was Secretary of State and claims she didn't know the rules when handling Classified documents were. He wouldn't do that if Hillary was a Republican.

The rules for Republicans are different from the rules for Democrats.

Yes, we know that bub.

Bub, the general rule is...if dems can...dems will. Talk radio (Clay & Buck) said the dems are deranged for wanting to possibly lock Trump up for life in prison. The dems are not deranged...the dems are just ruthless, diabolical and very good at what they do. Commie dems don't play games. Commie dems are nothing like the 'lock Hillary up' reps.

It is just too bad that what dems do best is destroy America. That is why I always push secession. Reps will never beat the dems. Reps were only OK at fighting Tipp O'Neill dems, but are useless against commie dems. Maggot Mike, the Turtle & Paul Ryan! Do dems ever have this issue? No! Dems are like a well-oiled machine, destroying America 24/7. Do you ever see the dem politicians begging their base to fight harder? No! It is in their blood and as natural as fish in water.

reps dems shit.jpg
Yes, we know that bub.

Bub, the general rule is...if dems can...dems will. Talk radio (Clay & Buck) said the dems are deranged for wanting to possibly lock Trump up for life in prison. The dems are not deranged...the dems are just ruthless, diabolical and very good at what they do. Commie dems don't play games. Commie dems are nothing like the 'lock Hillary up' reps.

It is just too bad that what dems do best is destroy America. That is why I always push secession. Reps will never beat the dems. Reps were only OK at fighting Tipp O'Neill dems, but are useless against commie dems. Maggot Mike, the Turtle & Paul Ryan! Do dems ever have this issue? No! Dems are like a well-oiled machine, destroying America 24/7. Do you ever see the dem politicians begging their base to fight harder? No! It is in their blood and as natural as fish in water.

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Word to the wise…
Get used to black women telling you what you’re going to do.
We don't believe you. If we get attacked again, we will not be united, and you should know that. Perhaps the Communists will use a red area for destruction to test that. The canvas for the painting has been in control of the Progressive artists and any of the Republican members who are frauds for many decades. Finding people who are empowered by the globalists and who hate Trump from the lifetime of propaganda they were fed is not difficult.
You don't believe the truth? Imagine my surprise.
trump is a felon because he has committed and been proven beyond doubt to be guilty .

trump is currently on probation for the ny fraud convictions. if he is at bedminster to hand out the j6 awards it would be a great opportunity for law enforcement to roll up the bunch of them for "associating with known felons," a violation of their probations and paroles.

The J6 event at Bedminster has been "postoned". No new date is provided although a Trump flack said it would likely be in February.

I wondered when this was announced why New York millionaires would be willing to pony up for a bunch of rioters? Apparently they weren't.

Trump held a fundraiser for Rudy Guliani at his golf club and they raised less than $1 million. Why doesn't Trump just paid Rudy the legal fees he owes him from 2020?

I wonder if Trump billed Rudy for his costs on the fundraiser, like they did with the St. Judes fundraiser. They skimmed 15% on that one.

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