Arlington, one more thing

You are not allowed to use the site to film partisan political material. That rule applies to both sides.
While I'm not surprised it was Trump that pulled this little stunt, I'm shocked and surprised at the mother who allowed her dead son's grave to be defiled in this manner.
For this fat orange POS.

The rules are quite clear

That section of Arlington allows no filming or political activities out of respect for the dead and their families.

When Trump staff was informed, they pushed aside the staff member and called her mentally deranged
and i am quite sure that team trump solicited the "invitation."

if every trump statement about this incident were true, the employee was doing her job and should have been respected for it.
Trump team said she was suffering a mental breakdown
So tell the class exactly why everyone was smiling and what was said or done off camera for them to react that way. No speculation allowed, provide links.

Does it matter?

Trump was there to show his respect of our Military.
He does so by giving a THUMBS UP and shit eating grin over a deceased members grave

Has he no dignity?
Does it matter?

Trump was there to show his respect of our Military.
He does so by giving a THUMBS UP and shit eating grin over a deceased members grave

Has he no dignity?

Actually he was there to support the gold star families that invited him, so yes, it matters. And I guess you think you have dignity, being a paid propagandist? Piss off commie.

Actually he was there to support the gold star families that invited him, so yes, it matters. And I guess you think you have dignity, being a paid propagandist? Piss off commie.

I know how to behave in a Military Cemetery
You are not allowed to use the site to film partisan political material. That rule applies to both sides.
So why did one side do it with out any media reaction, the same media personnel who has been dogging Trump His entire presidency?

Clearly he’s a trumpeter. So no credibility.
So you didn't watch the video....OK.
I have no idea since that was almost fifteen years ago.
Not entirely true, Biden's 2020 campaign used it with absolutely no consequence in his 2020 bid.
Did Biden bring his own campaign crew to stage a photo op, against Cemetery rules?
Couldn't tell you. I do know he used a photo op in your 'forbidden area' for the same political outcome.
Because Trump took his campaign camera crew, and his campaign staff to a private event, at a place where he knew they weren't allowed.
Doesn't let Biden off the hook, he still violated the ANC rules that you now crow about with Trump.

Why is that?
Still he did the same thing for a campaign ad, where's the manufactured outrage?
Twice in your own thread you have said Harris and Biden did the same thing but never have proved it. I doubt they went to area 60 and took campaign photos, laying the wreath is different and if Trump would have stopped there, no problem. Doesn't matter if the family said it was ok as they don't have the authority.
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