Trump desecrates Arlington Cemetary and lies to veterans.

/—-/ That’s only in your warped, TDS riddled brain. In reality, he did nothing of the sort.
Your candidate didn’t have the decency to show up.
‘U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris criticized Republican presidential rival Donald Trump on Saturday over a visit he made to soldiers' graves at Arlington National Cemetery that was later used in campaign video footage.

"It is a solemn place; a place where we come together to honor American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of this nation. It is not a place for politics," Harris wrote in an X post.

The vice president weighed in five days after Trump took part in a wreath-laying ceremony on Monday honoring the 13 servicemembers killed during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

He also visited Section 60 of the Virginia cemetery, which the military considers hallowed ground. Federal law and Pentagon policies do not allow political activities in that section, but Trump's campaign took videos and used them in advertisements as he battles Democrat Harris in a close race for the White House.’

Trump attempted to exploit the deaths of fallen American soldiers for some perceived partisan gain.
You’re full of it Creepy, you know as well as the whole world knows it, Biden screwed up royally with our withdrawal from Afghanistan, but your head is so far up your ass you can’t admit it!!
Who negotiated the withdrawal?

Not Joe Biden.

Who set up the timeline?

Not Joe Biden.

Who decided to set it all up with our enemies rather than the government we spent over 3,000 American lives to build?

Not Joe Biden.

Who released all the enemy soldiers before drawing our troops down to unsupportable levels?

Not Joe Biden.

As previously noted, I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
You’re full of it Creepy, you know as well as the whole world knows it, Biden screwed up royally with our withdrawal from Afghanistan, but your head is so far up your ass you can’t admit it!!
Red herring fallacy – failed, dishonest attempt to deflect.

The topic is about the fact that Trump attempted to exploit the deaths of fallen American soldiers for some perceived partisan gain.

It was disgraceful and reprehensible; Trump is unfit to be president.
‘U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris criticized Republican presidential rival Donald Trump on Saturday over a visit he made to soldiers' graves at Arlington National Cemetery that was later used in campaign video footage.

"It is a solemn place; a place where we come together to honor American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of this nation. It is not a place for politics," Harris wrote in an X post.

The vice president weighed in five days after Trump took part in a wreath-laying ceremony on Monday honoring the 13 servicemembers killed during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

He also visited Section 60 of the Virginia cemetery, which the military considers hallowed ground. Federal law and Pentagon policies do not allow political activities in that section, but Trump's campaign took videos and used them in advertisements as he battles Democrat Harris in a close race for the White House.’

Trump attempted to exploit the deaths of fallen American soldiers for some perceived partisan gain.
/——/ And the sitting VP and president couldn’t bother to show up. Trump was there and you clowns can’t spin that away.
Next they’ll be regulars on Fox. Comng u next the relative of a sucker who died like a loser in Afghanistan and it’s Biden’s fault.

The only truthful thing trump ever said was bush lied us into iraq
I wonder how many would have died if it was trump who got us out? 13 is the over under. I’d take the over. Look how many died when he transferred power on Jan 6.

Within 36 hours, five people died: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes, including a police officer. Many people were injured, including 174 police officers. Four officers who responded to the attack died by suicide within seven months.

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