Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

It was still on government property

be informed

Still the story that Trump was invited by a family seems unrealistic.

This was what it appears to be a visit that was used for political purposes.

It should be even clear to the clueless
Here's a statement from family members of two of those buried there.

Because there may not be video of it.

And if there is, the Trump campaign has it. So not seeing it kind of tells you what you need to know.

It is a no win.

If the Trump campaign released video of it, and it made the cemetery worker look awful in their overreaction/TDS, then the mass media would claim they are AGAIN being disrespectful and using it for politics.

Which of course, the law specifically forbids in relation to photos and videos of the cemetery.

Thus? You criticize them for NOT releasing, but if they did, it would be another clear violation of law, would it not?
The issue here is NOT the memorializing of the visit, it is whether the Trump campaign has used video and images in campaign literature.
No, not really. Else the only way to enforce the law would be to wait until after the damage is all already done.

That's like saying we can't arrest thieves, because they might have ended up giving the money back.

It's 100% fair to assume the trump.capaign videographer and photographer were filming for the purpose of using the material for the campaign.

That's why they were explicitly warned against doing what they did, ahead of time.

Frankly, they should have been arrested on the spot.
No, not really. Else the only way to enforce the law would be to wait until after the damage is all already done.

That's like saying we can't arrest thieves, because they might have ended up giving the money back.

It's 100% fair to assume the trump.capaign videographer and photographer were filming for the purpose of using the material for the campaign.

That's why they were explicitly warned against doing what they did, ahead of time.

Frankly, they should have been arrested on the spot.
Nazi say what?
Trump is trying to blame gold star families for what he did at Arlington National Cemetery. And in doing so, he is making his visit more political.

Not only did he try to use this visit in a campaign ad, but a member of his entourage assaulted a Cemetery worker who was trying to enforce the law. As well as that smile and a "thumbs up" next to the grave of one of the fallen.

Trump's actions at Arlington were disrespectful and disgusting.

It's all about Donny Dopetard except when he steps on his own dick & soils himself like he did at Arlington.
They claimed it was a verbal shove.

How does someone shove someone with their words?
It was still on government property

be informed

Still the story that Trump was invited by a family seems unrealistic.

This was what it appears to be a visit that was used for political purposes.

It should be even clear to the clueless
I can take any pictures I want on virtually every “government property” around DC
Actually it’s our property anyway.
I guess the question really is-Can Trump ever be just a simple human being. My answer is YES. The “he was politicking” is lib loon wishful interpretation. No one was hurt, surviving family was helped. Why do lib loons want to punish the family ?
Here's a statement from family members of two of those buried there.

I wonder how that works. Does the family just sent a letter to Trump to have him show up a funeral site.

taking time from his busy schedule he show up

People happen to be taking photos and videos

Trump has secret service protection especial after the shooting

Was this planned and what went wrong ?

Now was Trump in on it and when did he know
For the Trump campaign.

Because their staffer physically shoved a cemetery staffer.

The staffer was not allowing the families to memorialize their visit with the President. If the cemetery worker is anything like all the folks on this site that suffer from TDS?

The Trump campaign is keeping the high road and not embarrassing the worker, or showing more disrespect for Section 60, by just ignoring the fake news.

. . .no doubt, this is why the Army now considers the whole thing closed.

You really aren't that bright.
Whomever was filming was told that it was prohibited.

Trump is running for president, do you need to be told that

The Dept of Army disagrees with your assessment

The US Army issued a stark rebuke of former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign over the incident on Monday at Arlington National Cemetery, saying in a statement on Thursday that participants in the ceremony “were made aware of federal laws” regarding political activity at the cemetery, and “abruptly pushed aside” an employee of the cemetery.
But Trump knows more than the generals. Saying he does makes it true.
There are reports that there is.

But even if there isn't. The issue here is NOT the memorializing of the visit, it is whether the Trump campaign has used video and images in campaign literature. THAT is what is against the law.

The cemetery staff worker, would have no idea how images are going to be used a priori. This is just something that the worker projected into the future. The time to take action? Would be then, not to prevent the rights of the family.

Him being there? The families right to have that memorialized? No one should doubt that.

SO? If it is true that the cemetery worker tried to prevent the rights of the family, then yes, the cemetery worker is in the wrong for trampling the right's of the families.
And thats why you will hear of the family lawsuit this week
One must sign a contract for certain visits and that contract beholds both parties . The DEI TDS violated that contract
Monday was the third anniversary of the August 26, 2021, Kabul airport attack — a suicide bombing during the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan that left 13 US service members dead.
Some family members of those killed have blamed the attack on the Biden administration’s handling of the withdrawal, and have aligned with the Trump campaign — including by appearing at the Republican national convention in July. And when planning an Arlington cemetery event to mark the attack’s third anniversary, they invited Trump.
Since it is the height of the presidential campaign season, and since Trump has long criticized the Biden administration’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, US defense officials were concerned that the event could become inappropriately or even illegally political, the Washington Post reports — that it was a campaign event in disguise.

Pretty sure this also has something to do with lib loon hatred of cohesive white families that are dedicated, successful and happy and gather together patriotically
and that? Should tell your everything you need to know about who caused the incident, and who is in the wrong.
Right. It tells us Trump was in the wrong. The staffer was told they could press charges, if they like.

The Trump staffers were not.

Yes, it tells us what we need to know.

You keep making silly mistakes.

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