How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

They also emit DOUBLE our CO2.

BTW what % of CO2 is attributable to mankind?
1.2 billion people and the world's factory to boot. A5 least they're headed the right way. Doing better than we are. I 'd have to look that up and I don't really have the time. The world was able to maintain a near perfect CO2 cycle until mankind started dumping too much CO2 for it to handle. Now it's our of kilter and still getting worse. So collectively the human race is failing at fixing this problem. It affects everyone in the world unfortunately we don't have a world government to address the crisis. Still in the nation state period of our history on this planet.
The world was able to maintain a near perfect CO2 cycle until mankind started dumping too much CO2 for it to handle.
Actually CO2 was dangerously close to levels which could end all human life during the last few glacial periods. We should be burning more fossil fuel, not less.
Maybe look at the emissions by country and get back to me.
China and the US are the biggest. Followed by India and Russia. BUT it's a world problem. Like I said too bad the human race on this planet is still in the primitive nation state period of our history.
China and the US are the biggest. Followed by India and Russia. BUT it's a world problem. Like I said too bad the human race on this planet is still in the primitive nation state period of our history.
How much more is China's emission than the US? What are the trends for each country? The devil is in the details. The US is not the problem. Our emissions could go to zero and the rest of the world would replace them in 5 years.
They will utilize the coal as long as it is feasible BUT they know renewables are the future.
The Chinese are opening a coal fired powerplant a week.

When are they going to switch over?
ALL civilization adds to the problem. It needs to be addressed as such.
Here are the details for cumulative emissions
1.2 billion people and the world's factory to boot. A5 least they're headed the right way. Doing better than we are. I 'd have to look that up and I don't really have the time. The world was able to maintain a near perfect CO2 cycle until mankind started dumping too much CO2 for it to handle. Now it's our of kilter and still getting worse. So collectively the human race is failing at fixing this problem. It affects everyone in the world unfortunately we don't have a world government to address the crisis. Still in the nation state period of our history on this planet.

1.2 billion people and the world's factory to boot. A5 least they're headed the right way


Only if you consider ever higher emissions "the right way".


On the other hand, if "the right way" is lower emissions, the US wins!!!
China and the US are the biggest. Followed by India and Russia. BUT it's a world problem. Like I said too bad the human race on this planet is still in the primitive nation state period of our history.

BUT it's a world problem.

It's China killing the world more than the US.

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