Why Trump will lose big time!

That’s not evil. That’s just flat-out mental retardation. That girl is a really low-IQ individual.
Most people barely have an I.Q. above 100.

This is just people who watch the legacy media regurgitating fake news without using any logic.

This is why Democrats lie so much.

Everything they say is taken from fake news in the media that they then repeat so that they can distort the truth.

Most Americans are unhappy with what's going on, and the people that are responsible simply blame it all on Trump.

The quickest way to communism is thru a corrupt state-run media.

Somewhere around the 6th or 7th of November the cry of "Stolen Election" will reverberate across America. Since Trump is incapable of losing at anything, this will be his excuse, as it was in 2020. Losing to President Biden in 2020 was bad enough, but losing to a black woman in 2024 will be something he can never stomach, no matter how big a landslide she puts on him. He will piss and moan for the rest of his sorry life.

And, the reasons for his defeat are simple:

1. Abortion. By repeatedly bragging about taking down Roe v. Wade, then trying to wiggle his way out of it, Trump has screwed himself good.

2. The military. He has repeatedly demonstrated how he despises our troops by calling them "suckers and losers," by making a fool of himself at Arlington and by denigrating the nation's highest military award, "The Medal of Honor."

3. Immigration. He blew his biggest campaign target by scuttling a bi-partisan bill in the Senate to address the southern border.

Any one of these gives Kamala enough firepower to defeat him; all three together will give her enough for a landslide victory and the total defeat of maga.

So get ready for the very loud cries "stolen election." He will have nothing else to lean on!


In addition, voters are just tired of Trump
His act may have worked in 2016, but nobody outside of MAGA buys it.

He will lose Bigly

In addition to what he lost in 2020, he will lose N Carolina and Florida
Media promoted trump for nomination in 2016 because they expected his nomination was going to guarantee a landslide for Hillary but it didn’t happen. In 2020, the frauds had to cheat in order to steal that election. In spite of media promoting america’s slut, Harris, trump is a big favorite. But demmunists will use whatever means possible to steal this one, too.

media promoted trump in 2016 and ever since because train wrecks sell papers. compare the cnn interview questions for trump with bash's stupid gotchas on harris.
media pushed trump0 20
Certain ventures went bankrupt, he didn't. Most of those ventures were jointly financed by other investors, limiting his risk.
precisely. his employees, investors, partners, and contractors go broke while he fails upwards into the next scam.

where do you think "truth sociaL" is ending up?

Somewhere around the 6th or 7th of November the cry of "Stolen Election" will reverberate across America. Since Trump is incapable of losing at anything, this will be his excuse, as it was in 2020. Losing to President Biden in 2020 was bad enough, but losing to a black woman in 2024 will be something he can never stomach, no matter how big a landslide she puts on him. He will piss and moan for the rest of his sorry life.

And, the reasons for his defeat are simple:

1. Abortion. By repeatedly bragging about taking down Roe v. Wade, then trying to wiggle his way out of it, Trump has screwed himself good.

2. The military. He has repeatedly demonstrated how he despises our troops by calling them "suckers and losers," by making a fool of himself at Arlington and by denigrating the nation's highest military award, "The Medal of Honor."

3. Immigration. He blew his biggest campaign target by scuttling a bi-partisan bill in the Senate to address the southern border.

Any one of these gives Kamala enough firepower to defeat him; all three together will give her enough for a landslide victory and the total defeat of maga.

So get ready for the very loud cries "stolen election." He will have nothing else to lean on!


but losing to a black woman in 2024 will be something he can never stomach,

Why would her skin color have anything to do with it. Oddly, it seems the lefty’s are the only ones bringing up her skin color…..

Abortion. By repeatedly bragging about taking down Roe v. Wade, then trying to wiggle his way out of it, Trump has screwed himself good.

If anyone votes for Kamala based on the abortion issue, that tells me they don’t care anything about the constitution.

The military. He has repeatedly demonstrated how he despises our troops by calling them "suckers and losers,"

There’s no proof that happened other than from a disgruntled former employee.

Immigration. He blew his biggest campaign target by scuttling a bi-partisan bill in the Senate to address the southern border.

An immigration bill that wouldn’t do anything to stem illegal immigrarion. Also, there’s already another immigration bill that has gotten stalled in HR2…why don’t they pass that one? Hmm?
precisely. his employees, investors, partners, and contractors go broke while he fails upwards into the next scam.

where do you think "truth sociaL" is ending up?
Successful people are always failing, learning, recovering.

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